The TRTeam is the embodiment of man's desire for freedom.We believe in the fundamental Rights of all human beings. Our Rights do not come from a majority vote, from politicians, or even from the Constitution - and they are not subject to infringement by a government which ignores the Supreme Law of this land.
Ceasing and desisting of your Lawful activities (when a police officer unLawfully orders you to stop or get arrested) and coming back and filing a complaint against the officer(s) later is a much better tactic than standing up for your Rights at the scene of the officer's crime and getting arrested. Not only is it alot less hassle, hopefully you will be more effective in getting the police department to stop their unLawful behavior and properly restrain their police officers.
Form for filing Complaint against Savannah Police Department. To print the best copies, save image to your hard drive, then print. You can use software that can print 'scale to fit the page' for best copies, like IPhotoPlus by Ulead.
Here we have a positive response from the Savannah Police Department that they will try to restrain their officers from committing Freedom of Speech infringements on people in public parks of the city. (Displaying flags and handing out literature.) I don't believe in using their forms. I did not use their form, did not file the complaint under oath, did not get it notarized, or follow all their rules. I simply mailed it in and still got a good (but evasive) response. If I had filled out the form and handwrote the complaint in the police department, they would have tried to make me nervous, question and confuse me and would have tried to water down my testimony. I know this because that is what happened one time before when I filed a complaint in another matter. The police chief's response did not go into any details as to what changes in police training or policy have been made or anything of substance. Apparently the next step is to visit Internal Affairs and request to see the file on this complaint to see if anything is documented as to what action has really been taken. From there a follow up letter may be necessary.
How to conduct a successful protest
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