The F.I.N.E. Treaty
A Compact of God-given Rights


Title I: General Provisions
Title II: Provisions Governing Participation
Title III: Provisions Governing Institutions
Section I: The General Assembly
Section II: The Steering Committee
Section III: The Secretariat
Section IV: Regional Chapters
Title IV: Financial Provisions
Title V: Termination of Participation
Title VI: Liquidation of the organization
Title VII: Amendments to the Treaty
Title VIII: Ratification


Whereas all Nations and Peoples possess the God-given Right to self-determination; by the virtue of that Right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development;

Whereas many Nations and Peoples suffer under alien or colonial occupation or are otherwise denied the exercise of their self-determination;

Whereas the God-given Rights of the individual and the collective Rights of people are inextricably linked;

Whereas the protection of the homeland is similarly linked to the Rights of Nations and Peoples to determine their own destiny;

Whereas many Nations and Peoples are victims of God-given Rights abuses, discrimination, persecution, population transfers, forced assimilation, deprivation of land or other natural resources and sometimes genocide;

Whereas the unprovoked use of violence in any form by government that violate the God-given Rights of the individual, the People, or Nations is to be condemned;

Whereas the unprovoked use of force, fines, punishment, and imprisonment used by governments established upon the principle that 'crimes are against the government', instead of the actual victim, is to be condemned;

Whereas the non-recognition of a majority of Nations and Peoples by intergovernmental organizations and the absence of meaningful venues for the expression and enforcement of their aspirations and rights often leads to the use of violence;

Whereas the ends sought by the Nations and Peoples differ depending on their individual situation, history and goals, and range from the recognition and protection of basic God-given Rights including cultural and religious Rights, within existing National governments, to the recognition of their sovereignty or Nationhood on an equal basis with other Nations;

Whereas governments that give legislative branches of government the authority to write statutes and rules that deprive Christian Nations and Christian Peoples of their God-given Rights as recognized by the Laws of God found in the King James Version of the Christian Holy Bible are to be condemned;

Whereas certain governments and constitutions that subjugate Christian Nations and Christian Peoples by declaring the government's law and the government's constitution is Supreme Law of the Land over and above that of the Laws of God found in the King James Version of the Christian Holy Bible are to be condemned;

Whereas governments that give legislative branches of government the authority to write statutes and rules that deprive Libertarian Nations and Libertarian Peoples of their God-given Rights as recognized by Libertarian principles are to be condemned;

Whereas certain governments and constitutions give legislative branches of government the authority to write statutes and rules that define crimes to be actions against the government, instead of the victim, are to be condemned;

Whereas an effort is needed to address effectively the legitimate issues raised by unrepresented Nations and Peoples in order to increase stability, and to promote peace based on genuine respect and understanding for one another and for each other’s diversity.

by the present Treaty, the Participating Nations and Peoples, represented by the undersigned Representatives, establish among themselves the Free Independent Nations of Earth organization (the "organization").

Title I
General Provisions

Article 1
It shall be the aim of the organization, by assisting Participating Nations and Peoples (“Participants”) to express their positions, needs and grievances in legitimate forums and by providing a community of support, to advance the fulfilment of the aspirations of Participating Nations and Peoples by effective non-violent means.

Article 2
For the purposes set out in Article 1, the activities of the organization shall include, but shall not be limited to:

Article 3
a) The achievement of the tasks entrusted to the organization shall be ensured by: Each of these institutions shall act within the limits of the powers conferred upon in this Treaty.

b) The institutions listed in subsection (a) of this Article may be assisted by an Advisory Council, acting in a consultative capacity, and various specialized bodies such as a Lawful Council, a God-given Rights Advisory Committee or an Agency for Conflict Management and Resolution acting under the direction of the Secretariat.

Article 4
Each Participant shall take general and specific measures which are appropriate to assist the organization in achieving its aims and shall refrain from actions intended or reasonably expected to harm the organization or impede its activities.

Title II
Provisions Governing Participation

Article 5
For the purposes of this Treaty:

Article 6
Participation is open to all Nations and Peoples who:
  • 1) That their government promotes equality of all Nations and Peoples and in their God-given Right to self determination;
  • 2) That their government's constitutions, statutes, laws, and regulations are written so that crimes are properly defined as follows:

    Crime (the proper definition): A positive or negative act in violation of the God-given Rights of a man, woman, or child, both born and unborn, yet conceived.

    Instead of improperly defined as:

    Crime (the incorrect definition): A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or government.

  • 3) That their government rejects:
    a.) Totalitarianism and other autocratic forms of government,
    b.) Absolute control by the government,
    c.) Suppressing initiative,
    d.) Suppressing individualism and the God-given Rights of mankind,
    e.) Terrorism as an instrument of policy;

  • 4) That their government promotes respect for:
    a) All peoples and population groups, including minority or majority populations within territories inhabited by the Participant but belonging to different ethnic, religious or linguistic groups.
    b) Christian Nations whereby the Christian Holy Bible is recognized as being the Supreme Law of the Land and where crimes are classified as being against the victim and not the government.
    c) Libertarian Nations whereby the Libertarian principles are recognized as being the Supreme Law of the Land and where crimes are classified as being against the victim and not the government.
Article 7
A Nation or People, through its Representative Body, may apply to become a Participant in the organization by submitting the following information to the Secretariat for consideration by the Steering Committee:

The Steering Committee, on recommendation of the General Secretary, will decide on all applications. The General Assembly may overrule this decision by a vote of two-thirds majority.

Article 8
Participation in the organization does not in any way imply agreement among Participating Nations and Peoples on each other’s objectives, policies, or allegiances and does not require any form of cooperation or solidarity beyond what is contained in this Treaty.

Article 9
Participants favor the use of peaceful means to achieve their goals. Participants shall not use the organization or any of its bodies, specialized agencies or services in its name, to promote the use of violence.

Title III
Provisions Governing Institutions

Section I: The General Assembly

Article 10
The General Assembly, which shall be composed of delegations representing participating Nations and Peoples, shall exercise the powers of deliberation and control which are conferred upon it by this Treaty.

Article 11
Each delegation shall have the privilege of one vote in the General Assembly.

Article 12
The General Assembly shall hold regular sessions at least once every two years. Sessions may be held via internet communications. The General Assembly may meet in extraordinary sessions at the request of a majority of Participants or at the request of the Steering Committee Chairperson. The Steering Committee Chairperson shall serve as the General Assembly Chairperson unless he is not present at the beginning of the session, in which case the Steering Committee Co-Chairperson shall serve as the General Assembly Chairperson. If neither is present at the beginning of the session, the General Assembly shall elect a new General Assembly Chairperson who will also serve as the next Steering Committee Chairperson.

Article 13
The General Assembly shall adopt the agenda at the start of each session on the basis of recommendations of the Steering Committee and the General Secretary.

Article 14
The General Assembly shall act by a simple majority of votes of delegations present. The quorum, (the number of members required to be present to transact business), shall be a simple majority of the number of existing delegations representing existing participating nations.

Article 15
The Steering Committee Chairperson or the General Secretary may invite individuals, governmental or non governmental organizations or Nations to attend as Observers to the regular sessions of the General Assembly, subject to the approval of the General Assembly. The General Assembly shall decide on the privileges and duties of Observers by a simple majority.

Section II: The Steering Committee

Article 16
The Steering Committee shall be composed of three to twelve persons, each from a separate participating delegation, and shall be elected by the General Assembly for a three-year, renewable term. When the number of persons on the Steering Committee is higher than three, the size of the Steering Committee shall be restricted to no more than one-third of the number of participants in the existing General Assembly and no more than twelve.

Article 17
The Steering Committee shall hold regular sessions at least once every year. Each member of the Steering Committee shall have the privilege of one vote. The Steering Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure. Sessions may be held via internet communications. The Steering Committee may meet in extraordinary sessions at the request of a majority of Participants or at the request of its Chairperson or the General Secretary.

Article 18
The Steering Committee shall determine the amount of the annual National Membership dues.

Article 19
The General Assembly Chairperson shall serve as the Steering Committee Chairperson unless he is not present at the beginning of the session, in which case the Steering Committee Co-Chairperson shall serve as the Chairperson. If neither is present at the beginning of the session, the Steering Committee shall elect a new Steering Committee Chairperson who will also serve as the next General Assembly Chairperson.

Article 20
The Steering Committee shall adopt the new business agenda at the start of each session on the basis of recommendations of the General Assembly Chairperson, the Steering Committee Chairperson, and the General Secretary. The Steering Committee shall implement the overall policy of the organization as determined by the General Assembly, The Steering Committee shall possess all of the powers delegated to it by the General Assembly.

Article 21
The Steering Committee shall act by a simple majority of votes of persons present. The quorum shall be a simple majority of the number of existing persons on the Steering Committee.

Section III: The Secretariat

Article 22
The Secretariat shall consist of a General Secretary and an Assistant appointed by him or her. Members of the Secretariat must belong to a Nation or People represented in the organization. The General Secretary shall serve as the executive director of the organization, and shall be elected by the General Assembly for a three-year, renewable term.

Article 23
The duties of the General Secretary shall include:

Section IV: Regional Chapters

Article 24
The Regional Chapters shall be established for the purpose of supporting the organization and its activities, including the solicitation of funds. The statutes and bylaws of each of the Regional Chapters shall ensure that they shall exist for no other purpose, and shall expressly incorporate this Treaty by reference or otherwise.

Title IV
Financial Provisions

Article 25
Funding for the organization shall come from Participants, and from international organizations, corporate or private contributions and fundraising activities.

Title V
Termination of Participation

Article 26
Participants may terminate their membership in the organization if they desire upon sending formal notice to the General Secretary. Termination shall be effective upon receipt of notice by the General Secretary.

Article 27
A Nation or People which is or becomes a member of the United Nations or any organization that violates any provision of this Treaty forfeits their dues and any privileges of this organization, cannot be a member of Free Independent Nations of Earth, may not take part in the work of the General Assembly and shall be declared ineligible for membership in this organization by the General Secretary with the recommendation of the Steering Committee, the Steering Committee having final say and authority in the matter.

Title VI
Liquidation of the organization

Article 28
The organization shall cease to exist if

Title VII
Amendments to the Treaty

Article 29
Amendments to the Treaty shall be approved by three-fourths of the delegations to the General Assembly.

Title VIII

Article 30
We, the undersigned as individuals and as the representatives of our respective governments, being of sound mind and body, hold that this Compact of God-given Rights is ratified willingly and voluntarily by the undersigned, without coercion; competently and without limitation due to any mental or physical deficit on our part; knowingly, and with complete understanding of all the terms indicated, and is witnessed by two witnesses, for the formal establishment of the provisions of this Treaty as a Compact between our Nations. This contract takes effect at the moment it is signed by the General Secretary of the Free Independent Nations of Earth organization as evidence of receipt of Membership dues as consideration to validate this contract and set it in force. Once this contract takes effect, Nations cannot Lawfully violate the provisions of this Treaty. Once a Nation is expelled from the organization for violation of the Treaty, it cannot be readmitted without payment of 500.00 troy ounces of silver to the Free Independent Nations of Earth organization and received by the General Secretary after their readmittance has been approved by the Steering Committee.

As a Representative Body, we declare that our Nation or People are applying to become active participants in the organization and request to be designated as a:

[___] Christian Nation                  [___] Libertarian Nation.
Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Representative Title Address Phone Email Address Date

Nation Address Phone Email Address

Witness Address Phone Email Address Date

Witness Address Phone Email Address Date

F.I.N.E. General Secretary Address Phone Email Address Date

(Revised, August 7, 2000)

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