An umbrella group for Libertarians of all kinds established to promote the development
The Libertarian Party of Chatham County.
I am against Taxation and Representation without Consent.
I am against any ‘national’ sales tax, ‘income’ tax, or property tax, or any tax
that violates the Libertarian Principle against the individual.
I am against needless war and the military draft.
I am liberating myself. I know what it means to be a Libertarian.
I believe in The Libertarian Party Principle:
“I do not believe in or advocate the initiation of force as a means of
achieving political or social goals.”
I understand that if I advocate a governmental program or platform that
would violate The Libertarian Party Principle against anyone, that I
may be voted out of the Christian Libertarians of Georgia by a simple majority
vote (over 50%) of those present at a weekly meeting.
This is my application for membership in the Christian Libertarians of Georgia.
Print Name_______________________________________________________________
Phone Number_____________________________________________________________
Email address____________________________________________________________
Bring your application to a meeting or Mail this application to:
Christian Libertarians of Georgia
22 W. Bryan St., # 353
Savannah, Georgia 31401 or call us! 912-232-4865