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We the People of Georgia also accord that it is sensible to declare, as has been done in Texas (http://www.TexasSovereignty.org/grieve/index.html), the reasons impelling us to the establishment of a new government.
As stated by Thomas Jefferson in the July 4th, 1776 Declaration of Independence,
"all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security....such is now the necessity which constrains [us] to alter [our] former systems of government."
"Whereas we all came into these parts of America with one and the same end and aim, namely, to advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel in purity with peace; ... preserving and propagating the truth and liberties of the Gospel..." The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England; May 19, 1643
We see that a war existed between the Crown and the Vatican in the Charter of Georgia, 1732:"... we do by these presents, for us, our heirs and successors, grant, establish and ordain, that forever hereafter, there shall be a liberty of conscience allowed in the worship of God, to all persons inhabiting, or which shall inhabit or be resident within our said provinces and that all such persons, except papists, shall have a free exercise of their religion, so they be contented with the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of the same, not giving offence or scandal to the government. ..." Charter of Georgia, 1732
We see that the Rules and Regulations of the Colony of Georgia 1776, which is widely regarded as Georgia's first Constitution, where Georgia had her first president, was on the right track where it stated:"the people, with whom all power originates, and for whose benefit all government is intended..." Rules and Regulations of the Colony of Georgia 1776
We see in the Constitution of Georgia, February 5, 1777, a war raged on between the Masons, lawyers and the Christians for power. We see that the Masons and lawyers won this battle and that the Christians lost.ART. LVI. All persons whatever shall have the free exercise of their religion; provided it be not repugnant to the peace and safety of the State; and shall not, unless by consent, support any teacher or teachers except those of their own profession.
ART. LVIII. No person shall be allowed to plead in the courts of law in this State, except those who are authorized so to do by the house of assembly; and if any person so authorized shall be found guilty of malpractice before the house of assembly, they shall have power to suspend them. This is not intended to exclude any person from that inherent privilege of every freeman, the liberty to plead his own cause.
ART. LXII. No clergyman of any denomination shall be allowed a seat in the legislature. Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777
We see that the Georgia Constitution of 1789 stated that 'All powers not delegated by the constitution, as amended, are retained by the people.' while at the same time the Masons and lawyers clenched their iron hand around the throats of the American people with a strong central government in the form of the Constitution for the united States of America.
We see that in the Georgia Constitution of 1798 that the feds wanted jurisdiction over representatives from Georgia:"Section 8. No person shall be a representative who shall not ... have been seven years a citizen of the United States"
We see that there is evidence that at this time that it was possible for even a representative from Georgia to have allodial freehold interest in real property which is denied the people of today:
"and shall be possessed in his own right of a settled freehold property of the value of two hundred and fifty dollars, or of taxable property to the amount of five hundred dollars within the county, or one year preceding his election, and whose estate shall, on a reasonable estimation, be competent to the discharge of his just debts, over and above that sum."
We see that the lawyers and Masons were successful in destroying any Christian ethics in government by hiding Masonry behind mystery and secrecy so that the common people were not aware that Masonry itself is a religious society effectively establishing Masonry as a religious society above all others:
"ARTICLE IV Section 10. ... No one religious society shall ever be established in this State, in preference to another; nor shall any person be denied the enjoyment of any civil right merely on account of his religious principles." Georgia Constitution of 1798
We see that the form of government established today by the lawyers and Masons effectively forces the people under their present form of government to "be deprived of the inestimable privilege of worshipping God in a manner agreeable to his own conscience" and "be compelled to attend (a) place of worship contrary to (our) own faith and judgment" and causes us to be "obliged to pay tithes, taxes," and "other rate(s), for the building or repairing ... place(s) of worship, or for the maintenance of ... minister(s) or ministr(ies), contrary to what (we) believe to be right, or hath voluntarily engaged to do." We see that the form of government established today by the lawyers and Masons is a Masonic, Judaic, legalistic religious society in preference over the Perfect Law of Liberty of Christianity, and denying the enjoyment of our civil rights merely on account of our religious principles in violation of the principles claimed to have been set forth in Georgia Constitution of 1798:
"ARTICLE IV Section 10. No person within this State shall, upon any pretence, be deprived of the inestimable privilege of worshipping God in a manner agreeable to his own conscience, nor be compelled to attend any place of worship contrary to his own faith and judgment; nor shall he ever be obliged to pay tithes, taxes, or any other rate, for the building or repairing any place of worship, or for the maintenance of any minister or ministry, contrary to what he believes to be right, or hath voluntarily engaged to do. No one religious society shall ever be established in this State, in preference to another; nor shall any person be denied the enjoyment of any civil right merely on account of his religious principles." Georgia Constitution of 1798
We see that in the Georgia Constitution of 1861, the people, breaking free from the Union in that day, understood that "10. For every right, there should be provided a remedy; and every citizen ought to obtain justice without purchase, without denial, and without delay conformably to the laws of the land." and that "17. Legislative Acts in violation of the fundamental law are void; and the Judiciary shall so declare them."
We see that the principles of good government were again destroyed by the feds under martial law with their Georgia Constitution of 1865 wherein it states: "13. Legislative Acts in violation of the Constitution are void, and the Judiciary shall so declare them." instead of the fundamental law.We see that the feds have attempted to destroy the right of the people to alter or abolish their existing form of government wherein they state:
"11. This Constitution shall be altered or amended only by a convention of the people, called for that purpose by act of the General Assembly."
And we see that the Constitution for the united States of America claims supremacy over good government and the fundamental law:
5. The laws of general operation now of force in this State, are 1st, as the supreme law, the Constitution of the United States, the laws of the United States in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made under the authority of the United States; 2d, as next in authority thereto, this Constitution; 3d, in subordination to the foregoing, all laws declared of force by an act of the General Assembly of this State, assented to December l9th, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled "An act to approve, adopt, and make of force in the State of Georgia, a revised code of laws, prepared under the direction and by authority of the General Assembly thereof, and for other purposes therewith connected," an act of the General Assembly aforesaid, assented to December 16th, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-one, amendatory to the foregoing, and an act of the General Assembly, aforesaid, assented to December 13th, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, entitled "An act to settle the conflicts between the Code and the legislation of this General Assembly;" also, all acts of the General Assembly aforesaid, passed since the date last written, altering, amending, repealing, or adding to any portion of law hereinbefore mentioned (the latter enactment having preference in case of conflict); and also, so much of the common and statute law of England, and of the statute law of this State, of force in Georgia in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, as is not expressly superseded, by, nor inconsistent with said Code, though not embodied therein, except so much of the law aforesaid as may violate the supreme law, herein recognized, or may conflict with this Constitution, and except to so much thereof as refers to persons held in slavery, which excepted laws shall henceforth be inoperative and void and any future General Assembly of this State shall be competent to alter, amend, or repeal any portion of the law declared to be of force in this Third Specification of the fifth Clause of this Fifth Article. If in any statute law herein declared of force, the word "Confederate" occurs before the word States, such law is hereby amended by substituting the word "United" for the word "Confederate.""
We find that the Constitution for the united States of America was never drafted under the authority of the people. We find that it was written in violation of the Articles of Confederation of March 1, 1781. We find that it was written in secret by a group of so-called FreeMasons and lawyers, who have, may have, or might as well have been acting as agents of the Crown of England, or at least acting for themselves as rulers over the people of Georgia without such authority. After much reflection we find that the Constitution for the united States of America has been deceptively worded, and is over-reaching, oppressive, tyrannical, unAmerican, and most definitely not Georgian in character or nature. Even aside from the overbearing nature of the Constitution for the united States of America, even at that we find that the "Federal Government of the United States" has failed to stay within the powers delegated to it by the constitution for that government.We the people in Georgia find that our Rights come from our Creator and are God-given and we find that our Declarations of these Sacred Rights are the Supreme Law of the Land over any constitution at any place and time.
We find that the Constitution for the united States of America, and the original constitution for the State of Georgia, as well as the original constitutions for the majority, if not all of the remaining states at that time, were never submitted to the people themselves for ratification but instead were put into place or ratified by the legislative bodies of those states.
We the people in Georgia find that we have the God-given Right to bear allegiance to the government and constitution of our own choosing and that our allegiance is not something to be indoctrinated into us by the State or the feds. We find that our allegiance cannot be forced upon us nor extorted from us.
We find that in legal terms, spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar are very important. For instance, a republic and a Republic are entirely two different things. We find that we cannot have Freedom as Citizens of a true Republic without our Republic being truly Independent. We find that the Common Law (the one with the first letter of each word capitalized) is True Law, Natural Law (of God's not man's), Biblical Law, Declaration of Rights Law, that truly recognizes God-given Unalienable Rights are possessed by all people regardless of race or creed. We find that we do NOT believe in the common law (with small letters) which has become today in America nothing more than corporate judicial case law, or Americanized English Crown law, meaning whatever the judge says is law is law. We find that in this false legal system that all crimes are considered to be actions against the state instead of the Creator or the victim and we find that the victim is not compensated in court by the criminal and instead the fruits of the crime go to the state. We find that since the beginning of time, governments have perverted the true Common Law given to us by God into a debased common law that is NOT True Law. We find that the God-less form of common law (with little letters) is defined in Black's Law Dictionary to be:
common law - As distinguished from law created by the enactment of legislatures, the common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and property, which derive their authority solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity, or from the judgments and decrees of the courts recognizing, affirming, and enforcing such usages and customs; and, in this sense, particularly the ancient unwritten law of England. The "common law" is all the statutory and case law background of England and the American colonies before the American revolution. People v. Rehman, 253 C.A.2d 119, 61 Cal.Rptr.65,85. "Common law" consists of those principles, usage and rules of action applicable to government and security of persons and property which do not rest for their authority upon any express and positive declaration of the will of the legislature. Bishop v. U.S., D.C.Tex., 334 F.Supp. 415, 418. The common law of each state is the English common law plus the decisions of each state's courts. Paralegal's Encyclopedic Dictionary, by Valera Grapp, J.D., LL.M.
We have found that the shyster lawyers (wordsmiths) cannot even keep their lies straight because in one instance they state the "common law" is "distinguished from law created by the enactment of legislatures" and then in the next sentence they say that the "common law" is statutory and case law, when statutes themselves are enactments of legislatures. We believe this is done to confound and confuse the people.The fact that Black's Law Dictionary (5th Ed.) goes on to say that "Calif. Civil Code, Section 22.2, provides that the 'common law of England, so far as it is not repugnant to or inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, or the Constitution or laws of this State, is the rule of decision in all the courts of this State.'" is further evidence that we here in America have actually lost the War of Independence, contrary to existing popular opinion.
We the people in Georgia find that all statutes and ordinances and licensing procedures only apply to corporate, artificial and governmental entities often statutorily called "persons" and not to men or Free People.
We find that a true Republic is founded upon God's Common Law that protects and defends the God-given Rights of everyone.
We the people in Georgia find that a legislature does not exist in a true Republic.
We find that if a Legislature exists, that government ceases to be a Republic as soon as any legislation is passed that abrogates the Common Law and our God-given Rights.
We the people in Georgia find that the "Law of the Land" is NOT the U.S. Constitution. Such claims by so-called 'Constitutionalists' are in error.
We find that the Common Law protecting our God-given Rights among men is the Supreme Law of the Land and that the Common Law rules our actions, not any legislative act.
We the people in Georgia find that legislatures have no place in a Republic, under God. We find that legislatures are a Title of Honor and Nobility, forbidden by True Law.
We find that the Holy Scriptures give us the True Law known as the Common Law protecting the God-given Rights of everyone. We find that the Common Law Jury has the right to apply the True Law to the facts of the case. We find that God, the Creator is the true Law-giver and Right-giver. We find that the family is the basic unit of government.
We the people in Georgia find that the closer the government is to the people, the higher is its authority. We find that the country, parrish and township are basic lawful governments in our local communities. We find that city municipalities are not. We find that not even local governments are permitted to restrict, abolish, or override the Common Law.
We find that governments are lawful only as long as they restrain their powers and authorities within God's Common Law. We find that a "union" or a "government" is only perpetual as long as perpetual Law is enforced.
We the people in Georgia find that the U.S. CONstitution was a breach of trust written in Philadelphia in secret and in shame by a group of Masons and lawyers conniving to concentrate far too much power in their hand.
We find that since the U.S.CONstitution is found to be in contempt of our God-Given Unalienable Rights, an oath, that is forbidden by God, to such document is actually an extra-judicial oath and is an unLawful act committed in conspiracy against our Great Republics.
We the people in Georgia find that the pledge to the U.S. Flag - Since the pledge is an oath, that is forbidden by God, not to a Republic, but to a representative democracy that is divisible, not indivisible, such a pledge is actually an extra-judicial oath and is an unLawful act committed in conspiracy against our Great Republics.
Extrajudicial oath. - One taken not in the course of judicial proceedings, or taken without any authority of law, though taken formally before a proper person. [Black's Law Dict. 5th Ed.]
James 5:12 (English-KJV) But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.
Ezekiel 21:23 And it shall be unto them as a false divination in their sight, to them that have sworn oaths: but he will call to remembrance the iniquity, that they may be taken.
Matthew 5:33 Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths:
We find that the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag is an oath as 'pledge' is defined in Black's Law Dictionary.
We the people in Georgia find that the true Republican form of government that our early American forefathers fought and died for has been deceptively redefined by the Crown's shysters and their henchmen. We find that even Richard Henry Lee of the Anti-Federalists was an infiltrator (one of the King's men) consolidating power under the Articles of Confederation. It was from Richard Henry Lee that Jefferson got the phrase "free and independent states" for the Declaration of Independence when the term should have been "Free and Independent Republics". We find that State governments are governmental entities subservient to the Crown of England.
We find that 'All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the Lord: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. For the kingdom is the LORD'S: and he is the governor among the nations.' Psalms 22:27-28.
"Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have prostrated ourselves before the throne, and have implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament. Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded; and we have been spurned, with contempt, from the foot of the throne!" - Patrick Henry "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" March 23, 1775
"I look upon that paper as the most fatal plan that could possibly be conceived to enslave a free people." Patrick Henry's Election Speech to Virginia Ratifying Convention, Prince Edward Courthouse, 3rd Monday of March, 1788.
We the people in Georgia find that the present government loves crime and that there is so much crime because the government makes a fortune off of crime, any crime, even manufactured crimes. We find that the present government claims by Americanized English "common law" that all crimes whatsoever are trespasses against the state! We find that the present government claims the only crimes committed are those against the state. We find that not only does the government love crime, but that the government feeds on crime! We find that this means that the state has declared the people to be enemies of the state. We find that according to the state that all of our God-given Rights are non-existent including the victim's God-Given Rights. We find that a government that claims that the only crimes committed are those against the state is a diabolical form of government, one that claims they are above God, the Creator of the Universe. We find that a government such as that is a government ruled by Satan himself. We find that there are no true Freedoms and Liberties under such a government. We find that true crimes are against God, the Creator, and our fellowman, not Satan, and not the government.
We find that the Constitution for the united States of America has established a government that claims that the only crimes committed are those against the government. We find that if someone commits a crime against you, the judge fines and/or imprisons the criminal and the government keeps the money, of which the judge and the prosecutor keep part of the money indirectly. We find that the victim has to hire an attorney from the American Bar Association that has a monopoly on representing people in the state's court system in order to be compensated for their injuries. We find that the present government has an interest in seeing crime committed. We find that it not only gives the government workers job security, but that it lines their pockets very handsomely. We find that the fact that the judge profits handsomely from the accused has created such a huge jurisdictional defect that it is UnLawful for such a judge to preside over the case.
We the people in Georgia also find, as has been found by the people in Texas, that the history of the federal regime in power is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over Georgians. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world:
The federal regime has refused its assent to adhere to the Constitutions of Georgia and for the united States in that it has:
- Declared an emergency as of 9 March 1933 effectively suspending these Constitutions, and has maintained that emergency declaration in effect, in spite of the end of the Great Depression, the end of World War Two, and the end of the Cold War which have intervened in the meantime.
- Denied forcibly the right of freedom of speech through regulations controlling so-called commercial speech, so-called obscene speech, broadcast amplification of speech, and in other ways made laws and enforced laws and regulations to abridge and deny free speech.
- Denied forcibly the right of freedom of the press by taxing certain forms of printed matter, by imposing permits and regulations on printed matter, by limiting through laws and regulations so-called commerce-related printed matter, and by imposing limitations on the use of the Internet.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people peacably to assemble through permits, regulations, taxes, fees, injunctions, court orders against protesters near certain types of clinic, and other unconstitutional abridgements of the right to peaceably assemble.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to freely exercise religion through prohibitions on traditional ceremonies, various forms of marriage, and by gassing, burning, crushing, mutilating, shooting, and killing dozens of men, women, and children in their church.
- Established religion through the construction of a "National Cathedral" funded by taxpayers and in other ways.
- Denied and infringed forcibly the right of the people to keep and bear arms through taxes, licenses, permits, fees, dealer registration, and now individual gun owner registration under the guise of instant background checks, killing, maiming, torturing, and imprisoning men and women, as well as their children, for bravely failing to yield this sacred right.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures by conducting searches without warrants, without probable cause, without support of oath or affirmation, and without describing the places to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. In one particular, the so-called income tax system denies the right of the people to be secure in their papers by falsely and maliciously placing the burden of proof on the accused. In another particular, numerous warrants have been issued on false or misleading claims by prosecutors and law enforcement officials, and many have been served unsigned by any judge.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to be held to answer for capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, and denied grand juries their right to operate independently of prosecutorial misdirection and deceipt.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, in many instances trying in multiple courts and jurisdictions repeatedly until a conviction is obtained.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against themselves, through the use of dubious pseudo-scientific theories regarding fingerprints, blood types, DNA, and other material which the accused must render up whether willing or not.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to be deprived of life without due process of law, often preventing public participation in clemency hearings, often summarily executing supposed criminals, often torturing, killing, and destroying the lives of our people even in infancy for no good or just cause whatsoever.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to be deprived of liberty without due process of law, often imprisoning individuals without trial, holding them without recourse to habeas corpus, refusing the Great Writ even in times of peace, rebuking attempts to learn the cause for which a person is being held, and forcing our people to servitude without any form or fashion of process, sometimes under the guise of "plea bargaining" and sometimes under no guise at all.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to be deprived of property without due process of law, often taking private property for public use without just compensation, or without any compensation, sometimes under the guise of "civil asset forfeiture" without due process available to the owners, at other times without any guise at all through regulations and enforcement procedures which have the effect of rendering private property unusable by denying it to its owners for their use.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to a speedy trial, by interminable delays and obstructions of justice, often for months and frequently for years.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to a public trial, often denying the presence of witnesses to the trial process, frequently denying electronic dissemination of trial activities.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to a trial by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime had been committed, often transfering cases to distant districts or other States for pretended purposes, sometimes denying any jury trial at all, and invariably denying the jury its right to be fully informed and to judge both the law and the facts.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against them, often holding them for days, weeks, months, or even occasionally years without this information.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to be confronted with the witnesses against them, through elaborate "witness protection" schemes, artful barriers and all manner of "anonymous informants" even to the point of trying persons in absentia.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor, often refusing certain lines of defense, generally refusing defenses on constitutional grounds, and invariably pretending to authority and honor not granted under any constitution.
- Denied forcibly the right of the accused to present exonerating evidence under pretense of due process.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to have the assistance of counsel for their defense, often appointing unacceptable counsel, invariably denying "unlicensed" counsel, and deliberately confusing the term "counsel" with "attorney" or "lawyer."
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to have trial by jury in suits at common law where the value in controversy exceeds twenty dollars, through various devices and subterfuges.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people to have no fact tried by a jury otherwise re-examined in any court, often by arranging extremely prejudicial civil suits on the heels of criminal acquittals.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to have excessive bail set, often setting bail in amounts exceeding the average annual revenue of individual Georgians.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to have excessive fines imposed, often setting fines in amounts exceeding the average annual revenue of individual Georgians.
- Denied forcibly the right of the people not to have cruel or unusual punishments inflicted, sometimes torturing the accused, often murdering the accused, occasionally gassing and burning and crushing the accused and their children with tanks.
- Denied forcibly and repeatedly the right of the people not to have the enumeration in certain Constitutions be construed to deny or disparage the other rights retained by the people.
- Denied forcibly the reservation of powers to the States or to the people.
- Imposed forcibly mandates upon the several States and upon the people without funding for these mandates.
- Extorted compliance with federal mandates through the use of highway funds and in other mischievous ways sought to render the States beholden to the central regime.
- Abridged rights in contract by passing laws to impede the sanctity of contract.
- Passed and enforced bills of attainder in various forms, honoring certain individuals, detailing tax exemptions specific to individuals or individual companies, and permitting regulatory agencies to enforce regulations tailored to specific individuals or their property.
- Passed and enforced ex post facto laws, by failure to provide grandfather provisions or by adding so-called sunset provisions to these essential exclusions, especially where environmental or tax matters are concerned, and in other matters without so much subtlety.
- Imposed taxes retroactively, creating ex post facto laws, and enforced them although they were null and void on their face.
- Withheld taxes and other funds from individuals without their prior consent, often extorting the pretense of their consent in order to obtain a job.
- Required licenses, enumerated the population, and used Social Security numbers as identifying numbers despite promises to the contrary.
- Given preference by regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of another.
- Obliged vehicles and vessels bound to or from one state to enter, clear, and pay duties in another.
- Drawn money from the treasury without consequence of appropriations made by law.
- Failed to publish periodically a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money, claiming that certain "black" projects must be kept secret even to the details of their budgets.
- Granted titles of nobility to judges and to lawyers including "The Honorable," "His Honor," and "Esquire."
- Eliminated checks and balances and limited their effectiveness by funding all salaries from the general fund.
- Allowed persons holding offices of trust or profit under the States to accept presents, emoluments, offices, titles, and various other things from kings, princes, and foreign states without prior consent.
- Encouraged states to enter into treaties, alliances, and confederations through such artifices as "sister cities" and "sister regions" and through special border State cooperative arrangements.
- Encouraged States to coin money, in the form of tollway and transportation tokens as well as others.
- Forced States to accept a thing besides gold and silver coin as a tender in payment of debts through unconstitutional fiat currency laws.
- Forced States to emit bills of credit to pay for federal mandates.
- Encouraged States to pass bills of attainder and ex post facto laws.
- Forced States to adopt uniform commercial codes impairing the obligation of contracts.
- Encouraged States to grant titles of nobility especially to judges and lawyers.
- Denied to the States the power to engage in war when actually invaded or in such imminent danger as would not admit of delay.
- Denied the right of the people to have access to free markets by the granting of unconstitutional monopolies to utility companies, to licensing boards, and to quasi-corporate entities such as the Postal Service and AMTRAK.
- Forcibly denied the right of the people to benefit from the fruits of their labor without licenses, permits, fees, union membership, and compliance with a myriad of regulations.
- Forcibly denied the right of the people to ingest alcohol upon reaching voting age, or to ingest other substances of their choice for personal or religious purposes.
- Forcibly perverted the free market by outlawing hemp production to the ostensible benefit of cotton producers.
- The regime has endeavored to prevent the population of Georgia from increasing, obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners, refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, raising barricades at our borders and in the interior against travel, and promoting abortion and euthanasia.
- The regime has made judges dependent on its will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
- The regime has erected a multitude of new offices and sent hither swarms of bureau-rats and officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
- The regime has kept among us, in time of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature.
- The regime has claimed lands in Georgia and elsewhere without having made payment to our State in gold or silver coin.
- The regime has affected to render the military and the military industrial complex independent of, and superior to, the civil power.
- The regime has maintained a fraudulent income tax system which derives its pretended authority from a supposed amendment which was never ratified by even a single state in its exact form, and was refused by enough states to deny ratification.
- The regime has attempted to suborn the people through a Ponzi scheme of outrageous proportions, and has deified this fraud by calling Social Security a "sacred trust."
- The regime has denied States the right of nullification, imposed unreasonable tariffs, and has occupied our territory with an invading Army which continues to be posted here 135 years after hostilities supposedly ceased.
- The regime has combined with others to subject us to the jurisdiction of the so-called United Nations and to subject us to the jurisdiction of myriad Federal agencies, both jurisdictions foreign to our Constitutions, and unacknowledged by our laws, giving its assent to their acts of pretended legislation for quartering large bodies of armed foreign troops and diplomats among us, for protecting them by mock trials in illegal "courts" from punishment for any murders or crimes they should commit on the inhabitants of Georgia, for cutting off our trade with various parts of the world (e.g., Iraq, Cuba), for imposing taxes on us without our consent and without benefit of constitutional authority, for depriving us, in many cases of the benefit of trial by jury (especially in tax matters), for taking away our individual rights, for abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering, fundamentally, the relationship between the people and government.
- The regime has abdicated government in Georgia, by declaring in the amendments to the War Powers Act of 1917 that we are "Alien Enemies," out of its protection, and waging war against us individually and severally in the guise of a war on some drugs, a war on our right to keep and bear arms, a war which has seen men, women, and children gassed, cremated, massacred, assassinated, asphyxiated, mutilated, and tortured.
- The regime has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns and churches, irradiated our property and our people, stolen our sustenance, withheld our wages, and destroyed the lives of our people.
- Not content to use nuclear weapons on civilians of a foreign adversary in time of war, the regime has seen fit to use nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons on its own civilian population, without their consent, exposing them to fallout, injecting them with biological toxins and diseases, and injecting their churches with toxic and flammable gasses, often just to see what results may obtain.
- The regime is, at this time, transporting large armies of foreign troops to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny, already begun, with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of a civilized nation.
- The regime has constrained our fellow citizens to register for service in war and in peace time for pretended benefits and supposed privileges, and has, on various occasions, instituted compulsory service without due process in direct violation of the prohibition on involuntary servitude.
In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms. Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A regime, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyranny, is unfit to be the government of a free people.
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our American brethren. We have warned them, from time to time, of attempts made by their legislatures to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred, to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They, too, have been deaf to the voice of justice and consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity which denounces our separate status, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace, friends.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION:We the people in Georgia find that the following research material by the following authors help familiarize the reader with some of the basic issues:
'The United States Is Still A British Colony' by James Montgomery and The Informer 'A New History of America' by The Informer 'The Series' by David Gould 'The CONstitution That Never Was' by Ralph Boryszewski 'Discipling the Nations' by Dennis Woods 'Basic Principles of Christian Civil Government' from 'Christian Civil Government' by David McAllisterFrom Paralegal's Encyclopedic Dictionary, by Valera Grapp, J.D., LL.M.STATE - The body of people or the territory comprising a government. It includes a state (sometimes called Commonwealth) of the United States, a foreign government or a foreign commonwealth of nations.
A CRIME is a public wrong against the body of people of a state. For that reason, a CRIMINAL ACTION is brought in the name of the state instead of the name of the particular victim of the alleged crime. The CAPTION of the case may read: State versus, Commonwealth versus, United States versus or REX (or REGINA) versus the named DEFENDANT. See also ALIEN and FOREIGN STATE.
More bad news here. "a CRIMINAL ACTION is brought in the name of the state instead of the name of the particular victim of the alleged crime. " This is another sign of an unLawful government in action. No wonder they call it a criminal action.
From Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition: Crime. - A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or United States. ... A crime may be defined to be any act done in violation of those duties which an individual owes to the community, and for the breach of which the law has provided that the offender shall make satisfaction to the public.
To the public... but not the victim? And so in most cases in order for the victim to be compensated by the criminal for the crime, the victim needs to hire a lawyer, right?
From Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition: Crown. - The sovereign power and position of a monarch. ... The word is frequently used when speaking of the sovereign himself, or the rights, duties, and perogatives belonging to him.Crown cases. - In English law, criminal prosecutions on behalf of the crown, as representing the public; causes in the criminal courts.
Crown law. - Criminal law in England is sometimes so termed, the crown being always the prosecutor in criminal proceedings.
common law. - Calif. Civil Code, Section 22.2, provides that the "common law of England, so far as it is not repugnant to or inconsistent with the Constitution of the United States, or the Constitution or laws of this State, is the rule of decision in all the courts of this State."
".. no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law." Article VII of the "Bill of Rights".
What is a Republic?
[Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition.]
republic. - A commonwealth; that form of government in which the administration of affairs is open to all the citizens. In another sense, it signifies the state, independently of its form of government.
Constitution for the united States of America, Article 4, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.
republican [form of] government. - A government in the republican form; a government of the people; a government by representatives chosen by the people. In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219.
represent. To appear in the character of; personate; to exhibit; to expose before the eyes. To represent a thing is to produce it publicly. To represent a person is to stand in his place; to speak or act with authority on behalf of such person; to supply his place; to act as his substitute or agent. See also Agent; Power of appointment; Representative.
representation of persons. - A fiction of the law, the effect of which is to put the representative in the place, degree, or right of the person represented. Civ. Code La. art. 894.
A fiction of the law? hmmm. Do we have enough time in our lives to be wasting it dealing with fictions of law?
representative. - One who represents or stands in the place of another. One who represents others or another in a special capacity, as an agent, and term is interchangeable with "agent". Sunset Mill & Grain Co. v. Anderson, 39 Cal.2d 773, 249 P.2d. 24, 27.A person chosen by the people to represent their several interests in a legislative body; e.g. representative elected to serve in Congress from a state congressional district.
"Representative" includes an agent, an officer of a corporation or association, and a trustee, executor or administrator of an estate, or any other person empowered to act for another. U.C.C. Sec. 1-201(35).
See also Agent; Class or representative action; Legal representative.
Personal representative. Executors and administrators of person deceased; but it may have a wider meaning, according to the intention of the person using it, and may include heirs, next of kin, descendants, assignees, grantees, receivers, and trustees in insolvency.
Includes executor, adminstrator, successor, personal representative, special administrator, and persons who perform substantially the same function under the law governing their status. "General personal representative" excludes special administrator. Uniform Probate Code, Sec. 1-201(30).
commonwealth. - The public or common weal or welfare. This cannot be regarded as a technical term of public law, though often used in political science. It generally designates, when so employed, a republican frame of government, -- one in which the welfare and rights of the entire mass of people are the main consideration, rather than the privileges of a class or the will of a monarch; or it may designate the body of citizens living under such a government.
Sometimes it may denote the corporate entity, or the government, of a jural society (or state) possessing powers of self-government in respect of its immediate concerns, but forming an integral part of a larger government (or nation). In this latter sense, it is the official title of several of the United States (as Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Kentucky), and would be appropriate to them all. In the former sense, the word was used to designate the English government during the protectorate of Cromwell.
Any of the individual States of the United States and the body of people constituting a state or politically organized community, a body politic, hence, a state, especially one constituted by a number of persons united by compact or tacit agreement under one form of government and system of laws. Detres v. Lions Bldg. Corp., C.A.Ill., 234 F.2d 596, 600.
See Government; Nation; State.
citizen. One who, under the Constitution and laws of the United States, or of a particular state, is a member of the political community, owing allegiance and being entitled to the enjoyment of full civil rights. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. U.S.Const., 14th Amend.
... "Citizens" are members of a political community who, in their associated capacity, have established or submitted themselves to the dominion of a goverment for the promotion of their general welfare and the protection of their individual as well as collective rights. Herriott v. City of Seattle, 81 Wash.2d 48, 500 P.2d 101, 109.
Yes, citizens and Citizens are subjects.
State, n. - A people permanently occupying a fixed territory bound together by common-law [King's law, not Christian Common Law] habits and custom into one body politic exercising, through the medium of an organized government, independent sovereignty and control over all persons and things within its boundaries, capable of making war and peace and of entering into international relations with other communities of the globe. ... In its largest sense, a "state" is a body politic or a society of men. ... A body of people occupying a definite territory and politically organized under one government. ... A territorial unit with a distinct general body of law. Restatement, Second, Conflicts, Sec. 3. Term may refer either to body politic of a nation (e.g. United States) or to an individual governmental unit of such nation (e.g. California).The section of territory occupied by one of the United States. One of the component common-wealths or states of the United States of America. The term is sometimes applied also to governmental agencies authorized by state, such as municipal corporations. Any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession subject to the legislative authority of the United States. Uniform Probate Code, Sec. 1-201(40).
The people of a state, in their collective capacity, considered as the party wronged by a criminal deed; the public; as in the title of a cause, "The State vs. A.B."
Term "state" as used in rules providing when a state may appeal in a criminal case is all inclusive and intended to include not only the state but its political subdivisions, counties and cities.
"control over all persons and things within its boundaries, capable of making war and peace and of entering into international relations with other communities of the globe. " hmmmm...... states are very dangerous entities. I don't believe this is the type of government I want to live under.Hmmmm... this kind of puts a kink in the term "Free and Independent States" doesn't it? Perhaps even the Declaration of Independence is a fraud??? I would suspect so.... could be... the person who has been attributed to be it's main writer of that document, Thomas Jefferson, became a President of the United States, so if the document really used proper terms, would it's writer ever become President of a government created by the U.S.CONstitution? It is also documented that the phrase "Free and Independent States" (instead of Republics) came from the Federalist Richard Henry Lee who masqueraded as an Anti-Federalist, but yet was very "instrumental" in robbing the Republics of their autonomy and putting too much power into the central government under the Articles of Confederation. --- gene karl
Government. - ...
Mixed government. - A form of government combining some of the features of two or all of the three primary forms, viz., monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy.
Republican government. - One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219; Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627.
From Paralegal's Encyclopedic Dictionary, by Valera Grapp, J.D., LL.M.STATE - The body of people or the territory comprising a government. It includes a state (sometimes called Commonwealth) of the United States, a foreign government or a foreign commonwealth of nations.
A CRIME is a public wrong against the body of people of a state. For that reason, a CRIMINAL ACTION is brought in the name of the state instead of the name of the particular victim of the alleged crime. The CAPTION of the case may read: State versus, Commonwealth versus, United States versus or REX (or REGINA) versus the named DEFENDANT. See also ALIEN and FOREIGN STATE.
More bad news here. "a CRIMINAL ACTION is brought in the name of the state instead of the name of the particular victim of the alleged crime. " This is another sign of an unLawful government in action. No wonder they call it a criminal action.
Democracy. - That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy.
Did I hear anyone say, "Where did I hear this definition before?"? Sure sounds almost just like a "Republican government" now doesn't it? That's because it is!! It is one and the same thing! A "Republican government" is the same thing as a "Republican form of government" which is the same thing as a "Representative Democracy." How do you like them apples? We have been bamboozled and hoodwinked by Masons, Shysters, Lairyers, and just plain high-falootin' criminals, now haven't we? --- gene karl
republican [form of] government. - A government in the republican form; a government of the people; a government by representatives chosen by the people. In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219.
Theocracy. - Government of a state by the immediate direction of God (or by the assumed direction of a supposititious divinity), or the state thus governed.
A true Republic is a Theocracy without a worldly ruler (like a Pope) and without the "state" having control over everyone, and the people are bound together by True Law of Nature not the King's common-law.A true Republic is not the same as a republican form of government, but it is a "Republican Form of Government" that does qualify to be a government that the Constitution for the united States of America must protect under the "Republican Form of Government" clause of Article 4, Section 4.
For another view, visit Gregory's "The ekklesia Kurios" webpage at: http://presys.com/~ekklesia/rvd.htm"The term republic, res publica, signifies the state independently of its form of government." Bouvier's Vol.1. page 13 (1870).
Before we go farther it should be understood that the original republic was one in which a freeman was free from civil authority and religiously allowed to accept or reject his God as King. The word republic was used because those early pilgrims and separatists knew its origins. It is a shortened form of the Latin idiom "Libera res Publica" meaning "free from things public." The heads of the government were "titular" in authority, meaning they held authority "in name only." In an indirect democracy the mob elects those that govern the whole, while in the republic you only elected representatives with a limited authority.
"Where, Say Some, is the king of America? I'll tell you, Friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind..." Thomas Paine's Common Sense
State governments are the creation of and are puppet governments for the Crown. One step up from a colony perhaps. -- gene karlThe Bill of Lost Rights
What I am about to tell you should really shock you. I hope it does. The weary can no longer afford to sing the songs of the weary. So now you are a patriot, eh? You've probably taken every patriot course in the book about how glorious and great the U.S.CONstitution is and how so sacred the Bill of Rights is that it should earn a place in your heart right next to the Holy Bible. You are probably familiar with federal Constitutionist promoters such as Cleon Skousen or maybe you've even signed up for the Multi-Level marketing business of marketing the Constitution with a company called "Constitutional Colleagues". Folks, I'm very familiar with all of that and I too used to have stars and stripes in my eyes, protecting and defending the U.S.CONstitution AND The Bill of Rights... but now that we have sung the "national" anthem, let's get down to business.
Believe me when I say, the King's men infiltrated even the Anti-Federalists, my friend! What are all the lawyers for? For wordsmithing my friend! Deception! The story about the Emperor having no clothes is so fitting and true! Most Americans are living in a cross between Wonderland, Oz, and Never Never Land! They have no idea to the depths of the deception of the King's men, lie upon lie, precept upon precept. Here is my analysis at to what the "Bill of Rights" really says! Here is what only members of the Bar and of the Inns of Court are supposed to know. The rest of us are supposed to be content to live in "La La Land":The Bill of Lost Rights
Articles 1 and 2
Restricts the people by inferring that Congress can make any law they wish so long as it doesn't interfere with those subjects mentioned in Articles 1 and 2.Article 3
Restricts the people by stating that soldiers may be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner in time of war in a manner prescribed by Crown law.Article 4
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, shall not stand against reasonable searches and seizures. [whatever the judge says is reasonable] Warrants shall issue upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. [whatever the judge says is probable cause]Article 5
Persons shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury. In cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger, persons may be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime without a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury. No person shall be subject to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offence. [meaning the charges may be changed slightly and the accused can again be put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offence.] No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of Crown law. [not Common Law respecting God-given Unalienable Rights.] Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. [whatever the judge says is just compensation].Article 6
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, [whatever the judge says is a speedy and public trial] by an impartial jury under the control of the State. The accused shall have the Assistance of Crown Counsel [members of the Bar, not next friend counsel] for his defence.Article 7
In suits at English common law of the Crown, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the English common law of the Crown.This is the same English common law of the Crown that our Anti-Federalist forefathers hated and fought against. I suppose that this reference to a right of trial by jury was supposed to satisfy them. But is this Jury a People's Common Law Jury? NO!!!! The prosecuting attornies and the judges control these juries lock, stock and barrel. And isn't it funny that NO FACT TRIED BY A PROSECUTING ATTORNEY'S JURY SHALL BE OTHERWISE REEXAMINED IN ANY COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES, THAN ACCORDING TO THE RULES OF THE "common law"? [Meaning the English common law of the Crown.] This is all tied in with taking the People's Jury and Grand Jury Rights and Powers away from the people and not letting them have any say so in their government.
Article 8
Bail shall be required, but not excessive [whatever the judge says is excessive]. Excessive fines shall not be imposed [whatever the judge says is excessive]. Cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted [whatever the judge says is cruel and unusual].Article 9
Makes no mention of God-Given Unalienable Rights, only rights as perceived by the Crown.Article 10
The United States has Sovereign Powers over the States and the people. Under the United States, the States have Sovereign Powers over the people. The powers not prohibited by the Constitution to the States, are reserved to the States. Any little amount of scraps of power left, if you can find any, are reserved for the people.Now you know where you stand. Now you know the truth about the government that claims is yours! Will you continue to allow them to pump all that hot air into your brain? Will you continue to believe what they say on one hand about the great and glorious CONstitution and the "most sacred" Bill of Rights while they are picking your pocket with the other?
Please pray for our people in hopes that they soon will wake up!
gene karl
The Anti-Federalist Society
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