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http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/states/ct01.htm Fundamental Agreement, or Original Constitution of the Colony of New Haven, June 4, 1639 THE 4th day of the 4th month, called June, 1639, all the free planters assembled together in a general meeting, to consult about settling civil government, according to GOD, and the nomination of persons that might be found, by consent of all, fittest in all respects for the foundation work of a church, which was intended to be gathered in Quinipiack. After solemn invocation of the name of GOD, in prayer for the presence and help of his spirit and grace, in those weighty businesses, they were reminded of the business whereabout they met, (viz.) for the establishment of such civil order as might be most pleasing unto GOD, and for the choosing the fittest men for the foundation work of a church to be gathered. For the better enabling them to discern the mind of GOD, and to agree accordingly concerning the establishment of civil order, Mr. John Davenport propounded divers queries to them publicly, praying them to consider seriously in the presence and fear of GOD, the weight of the business they met about, and not to be rash or slight in giving their votes to things they understood not; but to digest fully and thoroughly what should be propounded to them, and without respect to men, as they should be satisfied and persuaded in their own minds, to give their answers in such sort as they would be willing should stand upon record for posterity. This being earnestly pressed by Mr. Davenport, Mr. Robert Newman was intreated to write, in characters, and to read distinctly and audibly in the hearing of all the people, what was propounded and accorded on, that it might appear, that all consented to matters propounded, according to words written by him. Query I. WHETHER the scriptures do hold forth a perfect rule for the direction and government of all men in all duties which they are to perform to GOD and men, as well in families and commonwealth, as in matters of the church ? This was assented unto by all, no man dissenting, as was expressed by holding up of hands. Afterwards it was read over to them, that they might see in what words their vote was expressed. They again expressed their consent by holding up their hands, no man dissenting. Query II. WHEREAS there was a covenant solemnly made by the whole assembly of free planters of this plantation, the first day of extraordinary humiliation, which we had after we came together, that as in matters that concern the gathering and ordering of a church, so likewise in all public officers which concern civil order, as choice of magistrates and officers, making and repealing laws, dividing allotments of inheritance, and all things of like nature, we would all of us be ordered by those rules which the scripture holds forth to US; this covenant was called a plantation covenant, to distinguish it from a church covenant, which could not at that time be made a church not being then gathered, but was deferred till a church might be gathered, according to GOD. It was demanded whether all the free planters do hold themselves bound by that covenant, in all businesses of that nature which are expressed in the covenant, to submit themselves to be ordered by the rules held forth in the scripture. THIS also was assented unto by all, and no man gainsayed it; and they did testify the same by holding up their hands, both when it was first propounded, and confirmed the same by holding up their hands when it was read unto them in public. John Clark being absent, when the covenant was made, doth now manifest his consent to it. Also Richard Beach, Andrew Law, Goodman Banister, Arthur Halbridge, John Potter, Robert Hill, John Brocket, and John Johnson, these persons, being not admitted planters when the covenant was made, do now express their consent to it. Query III. THOSE who have desired to be received as free planters, and are settled in the plantation, with a purpose, resolution and desire, that they may be admitted into church fellowship, according to CHRIST, as soon as GOD shall fit them "hereunto, were desired to express it by holding up hands. According all did express this to be their desire and purpose by holding up their hands twice (viz.) at the proposal of it, and after when these written words were read unto them. Query IV. All the free planters were called upon to express, whether they held themselves bound to establish such civil order as might best conduce to the securing of the purity and peace of the ordinance to themselves and their posterity according to GOD In answer hereunto they expressed by holding up their hands twice as before, that they held themselves bound to establish such civil order as might best conduce to the ends aforesaid. THEN Mr. Davenport declared unto them, by the scripture, what kind of persons might best be trusted with matters of government; and by sundry arguments from scripture proved that such men as were described in Exod. xviii. 2, Dent. 1. 13, with Dent. xvii. A, and 1 Cor. vi. 1, 6, 7, ought to be intrusted by them, seeing they were free to cast themselves into that mould and form of commonwealth which appeared best for them in reference to the securing. the peace and peaceable improvement of all CHRIST his ordinances in the church according to GOD, whereunto they have bound themselves, as hath been acknowledged. HAVING thus said he sat down praying the company freely to consider, whether they would have it voted at this time or not. After some space of silence, Mr. Theophilus Eaton answered it might be voted, and some others also spake to the same purpose, none at all opposing it. Then it was propounded to vote. Query V. WHETHER free burgesses shall be chosen out of the church members, they that are in the foundation work of the church being actually free burgesses, and to choose to themselves out of the like estate of church fellowship, and the power of choosing magistrates and officers from among themselves, and the power of making and repealing laws, according to the word, and the dividing of inheritances, and deciding of differences that may arise, and all the businesses of like nature are to be transacted by those free burgesses. This was put to vote and agreed unto by lifting up of hands twice, as in the former it was done. Then one man stood up and expressed his dissenting from the rest in part; yet granting, 1. That magistrates should be men fearing GOD. 2. That the church is the company where, ordinarily, such men may be expected. 3. That they that choose them ought to be men fearing GOD; only at this he stuck, that free planters ought not to give this power out of their hands. Another stood up and answered, that nothing was done, but with their consent. The former answered, that all the free planters ought to resume this power into their own hands again, if things were not orderly carried. Mr. Theophilus Eaton answered, that in all places they choose committees in like manner. The companies in London choose the liveries by whom the public magistrates are chosen. In this the rest are not wronged, because they expect, in time, to be of the livery themselves, and to have the same power. Some others intreated the former to give his arguments and reasons whereupon he dissented. He refused to do it, and said, they might not rationally demand it, seeing he let the vote pass on freely and did not speak till after it was past, because he would not hinder what they agreed upon. Then Mr. Davenport, after a short relation of some former passages between them two about this question, prayed the company that nothing might be concluded by them on this weighty question, but what themselves were persuaded to be agreeing with the mind of GOD, and they had heard what had been said since the voting; he intreated them again to consider of it, and put it again to vote as before. Again all of them, by holding up their hands, did show their consent as before. And some of them confessed that, whereas they did waver before they came to the assembly, they were now fully convinced, that it is the mind of GOD. One of them said that in the morning before he came reading Deut. xvii. 15, he was convinced at home. Another said, that he came doubting to the assembly, but he blessed GOD, by what had been said, he was now fully satisfied, that the choice of burgesses out of church members and to intrust those with the power before spoken of is according to the mind of GOD revealed in the scriptures. All having spoken their apprehensions it was agreed upon, and Mr. Robert Newman was desired to write it as an order whereunto every one, that hereafter should be admitted here as planters, should submit, and testify the same by subscribing their names to the order: Namely, that church members only shall be free burgesses, and that they only shall choose magistrates and officers among themselves, to have power of transacting all the public civil affairs of this plantation; of making and repealing laws, dividing of inheritances, deciding of differences that may arise, and doing all things and businesses of like nature. THIS being thus settled, as a fundamental agreement concerning civil government, Mr. Davenport proceeded to propound something to consideration about the gathering of a church and to prevent the blemishing of the first beginnings of the church work, Mr. Davenport advised, that the names of such as were to be admitted might be publicly propounded, to the end that they who were most approved might be chosen; for the town being cast into several private meetings, wherein they that lived nearest together gave their accounts one to another of GOD'S gracious world upon them, and prayed together and conferred to their mutual edification, sundry of them had knowledge one of another, and in every meeting some one was more approved of all than any other; for this reason and to prevent scandals, the whole company was intreated to consider whom they found fittest to nominate for this work. Query VI. WHETHER are you all willing and do agree in this, that twelve men be chosen, that their fitness for the foundation work may be tried; however there may be more named yet it may be in their power who are chosen to reduce them to twelve, and that it be in the power of those twelve to choose out of themselves seven, that shall be most approved of by the major part, to begin the church. THIS was agreed upon by consent of all, as was expressed by holding up of hands, and that so many as should be thought fit for the foundation work of the church, shall be propounded by the plantation, and written down and pass without exception, unless they had given public scandal or offence. Yet so as in case of public scandal or offense, every one should have liberty to propound their exception, at that time, publicly against any man, that should be nominated, when all their names should be writ down. But if the offence were private, that mens names might be tendered, so many as were offended were intreated to deal with the offender privately, and if he gave not satisfaction to bring the matter to the twelve, that they might consider of it impartially and in the fear of GOD. Source: The Federal and State Constitutions Colonial Charters, and Other Organic Laws of the States, Territories, and Colonies Now or Heretofore Forming the United States of America. Compiled and Edited Under the Act of Congress of June 30, 1906 by Francis Newton Thorpe Washington, DC : Government Printing Office, 1909.
1717 Azilia Land Grant by the Carolina Proprietors
The Articles of Association; October 20, 1774 - The foregoing association being determined upon by the Congress, was ordered to be subscribed by the several members thereof; and thereupon, we have hereunto set our respective names accordingly. IN CONGRESS, PHILADELPHIA, October 20, 1774.
A Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North-America,
Now Met in Congress at Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes
and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms - July 6, 1775
Resolution of Secrecy Adopted by the Continental Congress, November 9, 1775 - Quoted from Secret Journals of the Acts and Proceedings of U. S. Congress, Vol. I, p. 34.
Constitution of New Hampshire - 1776 - This constitution was framed by a convention, or "congress," which assembled at Exeter, December 21, 1775, (in accordance with a recommendation from the Continental Congress,) and completed its labors January 5, 1776. The constitution was not submitted to the people. This was the first constitution framed by an American Commonwealth.
Constitution of South Carolina - March 26, 1776 - This constitution was framed by the "Provincial Congress", of South Carolina and adopted March 26, 1776. It was not submitted to the people for ratification.
Virginia Declaration of Rights - Adopted unanimously June 12, 1776 Virginia Convention of Delegates drafted by Mr. George Mason
The Constitution of Virginia; June 29, 1776 & Bill of Rights; June 12, 1776 - This Declaration of Rights was framed by a Convention, composed of forty-five members of the colonial house of burgesses, which met at Williamsburgh May 6, 1776, and adopted this Declaration June 12, 1776. This constitution was framed by the convention which issued the preceding Declaration of Rights, and was adopted June 29, 1776. It was not submitted to the people for ratification.
Constitution of New Jersey; 1776 - This constitution was framed by a convention which assembled in accordance with the recommendation of the Continental Congress that the people of the colonies should form independent State governments, and which was in session, with closed doors, successively, at Burlington, Trenton, and New Brunswick, from May 26, 1776, until July 2, 1776, with intermissions. It was not submitted to the people, but its publication was ordered by the convention, July 3, 1776. (2) The legislature of New Jersey amended this constitution September 20, 1777, by substituting the words "State" and "States" for "colony" and "colonies."
Constitution of Delaware; 1776 - This constitution was framed by a Convention which assembled at New Castle, August 27, 1776, in accordance with the recommendation of the Continental Congress that the people of the Colonies should form independent State Governments. It was not submitted to the people but was proclaimed September 21, 1776.
Constitution of Pennsylvania - September 28, 1776 - This constitution was framed by a convention (called in accordance with the expressed wish of the Continental Congress) which assembled at Philadelphia July 15 1776 and completed its labors September 28 1776. It was not submitted to the people for ratification.
Constitution of Maryland - November 11, 1776 - A Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution and Form of Government agreed to by the Delegates of Maryland, in Free and Full Convention Assembled. This constitution was framed by a convention which met at Annapolis August 14, 1776, and completed its labors November 11, 1776. It was not submitted to the people.
Constitution of North Carolina: December 18, 1776 and A DECLARATION OF RIGHTS, &C. - This constitution was framed by a "Congress," "elected and chosen for that particular purpose," which assembled at Halifax November 12, 1776, and completed its labors December 18, 1776. It was not submitted to the people for ratification.
Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777 - This constitution was framed by a convention which assembled at Savannah October 1, 1776 in accordance with the recommendation of the Continental Congress that the people of the Colonies should form independent state governments. It was unanimously agreed to February 5, 1777. It was not submitted to the people.
The Constitution of New York : April 20, 1777 - This constitution was framed by a convention which assembled at White Plains July 10, 1776, and after repeated adjournments and changes of location terminated its labors at Kingston Sunday evening April 20 1777, when the constitution was adopted with but one dissenting vote. It was not submitted to the people for ratification. It was drafted by John Jay.
Constitution of Vermont - July 8, 1777 - The State of Vermont was originally claimed by Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York, and at the commencement of the revolutionary struggle she not only sought independence from British rule, but from the State of New York, which claimed sovereignty over the territory to the west bank of the Connecticut River, and from New Hampshire, which contested the claims of both New York and Vermont. In March, 1781, Massachusetts assented to the independence of Vermont, which adjusted her difficulties with New Hampshire in 1782, but it was 1790 before New York consented to her admission into the Union. This constitution was framed by a convention which assembled at Windsor, July 2, 1777, and completed its labors July 8, 1777. It was not submitted to the people for ratification. It was affirmed by the legislature at its sessions in 1780 and 1782, and declared to be a part of the laws of the State.
Constitution of South Carolina - March 19, 1778 - This constitution was framed by the general assembly of South Carolina, by which it was passed as an " act " March 19, 1778, although it did not go into effect until November, 1778. It was soon afterwards declared by the supreme court of South Carolina that both the constitution of 1776 and the constitution of 1778 were simply acts of the general assembly, which that body could repeal or amend at pleasure.
Constitution of Vermont - July 4, 1786 - The original constitution of Vermont provided for the election, at intervals of seven years, commencing in 1785, of a "council of censors," who should not only inquire whether the constitution had been preserved inviolate during the last septenary, and whether the government had been faithfully exercised, but should propose such amendments to the constitution as they might deem proper, and call a convention to meet for the adoption or rejection of them. This constitution was adopted by the legislature and declared to be a part of the laws of the State, in March, 1787.
Important Chronological Events
1643 - The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England; May 19
Charter of Georgia : June 9, 1732
American History : A Documentary Record 1492 - 1973
1774 - Declarations and Resolves of the First Continental Congress; October 14
1775 - Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death; March 23
1775 - Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms; July 6
1775 - Resolution of Secrecy Adopted by the Continental Congress, November 9
1776 - Lee's Resolution; June 7
1776 - Virginia Declaration of Rights; June 12
1776 - Declaration of Independence; July 4
Georgia becomes a Sovereign Independent Nation on October 19, 1781
The 1781 Yorktown Campaign, in Virginia, was the final major military episode
of the American Revolution. Cornwallis surrendered his nearly 8,000-man
force to the 17,000-man Franco-American army on Oct. 19.Georgia, as a Nation, was first established in Oct. 19, 1781, when it won independence from Britain. The United States has unlawfully occupied Georgia since January 2, 1788 with the so-called ratification of the U.S. CONstitution, by Freemasons and lawyers (agents of the crown of England) calling themselves 'the Delegates of the People of the State of Georgia'. The U.S. CONstitution was not ratified by the people of Georgia themselves. The U.S. CONstitution was a new and foreign constitution drafted up and written in secret, behind closed doors by Freemasons and lawyers (agents of the crown of England), in violation of the Articles of Confederation.
1781 - Articles of Confederation; March 1
1782 - Contract Between the King and the Thirteen United States of North America, signed at Versailles July 16, 1782
1782 - Preliminary Articles of Peace; November 30
1783 - Declarations for Suspension of Arms and Cessation of Hostilities Jan. 20
1783 - Contract between the King and the Thirteen United States of North America February 25
1783 - Proclamation Declaring the Cesssation of Arms; April 11
1783 - The Paris Peace Treaty 1783 and Associated Documents
1788 - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of Georgia, NOT BY THE PEOPLE; January 2
1788 - Resolution of the Congress Fixing Date for Election of a President, and the Organization of the Government Under the Constitution, in the City of New York; September 13
1788 - Convention Defining and Establishing the Functions and Privileges of Consuls and Vice Consuls, signed at Versailles November 14, 1788.
Resolution of the First Congress Submitting Twelve Amendments to the Constitution; March 4, 1789
The Whiskey Rebellion - August 7, 1794
The Alien and Sedition Acts and the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions 1798-1799
An Act Declaring War Between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Dependencies Thereof and the United States of America and Their Territories.
Treaty of Ghent 1814 - Treaty of Peace and Amity between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America.
Convention of 1815 Between the United States and Great Britian
The Texas Declaration of Independence : March 2, 1836
1860 - South Carolina : Declaration of Secession; December 24
1861 - Georgia : Declaration of Secession; January 29
1861 - Texas : Declaration of Secession; February 2
1861 - Provisional Constitution of the Confederate States of America; February 8
1861 - Amendments Proposed by the Peace Conference, February 8-27
1861 - Constitution of the Confederate States of America; March 11
Emancipation Proclamation
1863 - Instructions For the Government of Armies of the United States in the Field by Francis Lieber; April 24
1973 - War Powers Resolution; November 7
Pro-Slavery Constitutions for
The State of Georgia has had ten state Constitutions, which took effect in the following years: 1777, 1789, 1798, 1861, 1865, 1868, 1877, 1945, 1976, 1983.
the State of Georgia1643 - The Articles of Confederation of the United Colonies of New England; May 19
Charter of Georgia : 1732
Rules and Regulations of the Colony of Georgia 1776 - Georgia's First President and Constitution
Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777
Georgia Constitution of 1777
1781 - Articles of Confederation; March 1
Georgia Constitution of 1789
Georgia Constitution of 1798
Georgia Constitution of 1861
Georgia Constitution of 1865
Georgia Constitution of 1868
Georgia Constitution of 1877 (as ratified without subsequent amendments)
Georgia Constitution of 1945 (as ratified without subsequent amendments)
Georgia Constitution of 1976 (as ratified without subsequent amendments)
CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA Ratified General Election, November 2, 1982; Governor's Proclamation, March 1,1983. Effective, July 1,1983 (Current Through the 1997 Supplement)
Georgia Constitution of 1983 (as ratified without subsequent amendments)
Georgia Constitution of 1983 as amended through the November 1998 general election
Once we won our independence from the King of England, each state was to be a free and independent state, in other words, most of the people were under the impression that they were declaring their separate Republics each to be a nation unto itself. What happened? We've been hoodwinked. State governments are entities subservient to the form of law established by the Crown of England, exactly the same legal system that our forefathers fought against! Need a more specific example? The government loves crime. The government feeds off crime. The government is getting rich off crime! Why is this? Because the lawyers and Masons and other agents for the Crown have created a system in which the crimes are not classified as actions against the victim, but instead all crimes are classified as actions against the state! And for that the state must be compensated, not the victim! How else have we been hoodwinked and how did it happen? In order to gather a deeper understanding on what happened, it is absolutely imperative that you read the following books. There are practically no other sources of information that contain the information you need in these books. After you have read these books, you will not be fooled like this again. You will have ears with which to hear and eyes with which to see. It will have been like you have just awaken from a bad dream. Then and only then will you be of any use to protecting and defending our God-given Rights and our Free and Independent Republics. The CONstitution That Never Was, by Ralph Boryszewski You MUST buy this book if you want to save your Republic! The First Judiciary Act unlawfully established the offices of Attorney General and U.S. Attorneys because only then could our courts pretend to become adversarial courts rather than the hearing bodies that they were. The American people had fought and won the War for Independence in order to escape from the corrupt English court system. But in less than ten years, the same antiquated system was forced upon them. Rev. Jeff Ganaposki of Atlanta, Georgia will tell you that according to the Encyclopedia of Georgia Law, all Common Law courts were abolished upon signing of the Constitution for the united States of America. With the Judiciary Act of 1789, Common Law crimes would no longer be recognized, just statutory crimes, (in other words, Crown law.) This my friend is the crux of the problem we have here in America today. The CONstitution for the united States of America, my friend, is NOT your friend, because of its deception, it is your enemy. The Bill of Rights itself has no respect for God-given Rights and God's Law, i.e., Common Law. Instead the Bill of Rights institutes Crown law, spelled as 'common law' here in America. Further reading material:The Anti-Federalist Society Webpage
The United States Is Still A British Colony by James Montgomery and The Informer
The United States Is Still A British Colony, Last Chapter
The New History of America by The Informer
The Amazing Vision of David Gould
Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments to U.S. CONstitution Declared to be Void
From THE STORY OF GEORGIA by Walter G. Cooper, Vol. II The American Historical Society, Inc., NY 1938
The Georgia volunteers who went to the aid of Texas were led by Colonel William A. Ward and Colonel J.W. Fannin. The following brief account of their part and their martyrdom in the cause of freedom for Texas is condensed from one written by John C. Butler, the early historian of Macon: "On November 12, 1835, a public meeting was held in Macon. Robert Augustus Beall, John Rutherford, and Samuel M. Strong were among the speakers who endorsed the claims of Texas. Lieutenant Hugh M. McLeod, West Point, addressed the meeting in a spirited appeal, pledging himself to reign his commission and to embark as a volunteer. He declared that what Texas needed was soldiers - not resolutions. "Captain Levi Eckley, Commander of the Bibb Cavalry, presided, with Simri Rose as Secretary. Colonel William A. Ward of Macon proposed to form a company of infantry to enlist in the army of Texas, whereupon thirty-two gentlemen came forward and enrolled as volunteers. On motion, the chair appointed General R.A. Beall, Colonel H.G. Lamar, Colonel T.G. Holt, James A. Nisbet, Esq., and Dr. Robert Collins, a committee to solicit subscriptions, and before the meeting adjourned $4,150 was handed in to the Committee, Dr. Collins paying in cash the greater part of the amount. "As the company passed through other towns en route to Texas other recruits were added. At Knoxville, in Crawford County, Miss Joanna E. Troutman, afterwards Mrs. Vinson, a daughter of Hiram B. Troutman, made and sent a beautiful banner of white silk, with a blue lone star upon it, to Lieutenant McLeod to present it to the Company at Columbus." ... A Georgia Girl Made the Texas Flag - A beautiful incident of that war for the freedom of Texas was the presentation of a Lone Star silk flag to the State of Texas through Colonel William Ward by Miss Joanna E. Troutman, of Crawford County, Georgia, as the five companies of Georgians recruited at Macon and Columbus started for Texas under the leadership of Colonel Ward. A telegram from Dallas, Texas, to the Atlanta Constitution, March 7, 1936, said: "Due homage is to be paid at the Texas Centennial to be held here this year to a Georgia girl Miss Joanna E. Troutman, who made a lone star flag in 1835, which emblem was afterward adopted as the official flag of the state of Texas. "The State of Georgia was one of the first to respond when Stephen F. Austin, commander-in-chief of the armies of Texas, went in 1835 as envoy to the United States to appeal for aid in the approaching break with Mexico. Under Colonel William Ward, five companies made up a band of Georgia volunteers recruited at Macon and Columbus. An inspired young speaker was Lieutenant McLeod, just home from West Point. "It was to the young lieutenant that Joanna E. Troutman sent the flag, the lone blue star on one face of the white field underscored with the three words, "Liberty or Death," on the reverse side the Latin motto, "Ubi Libertas Habitat, ibi nostra patria est" (Where liberty dwells, there is our country). ... In December, 1845, Congress by a joint resolution admitted Texas as a State into the Union and provided that boundary disputes would be settled by the United States.Georgia's Ordinance of Secession We the people of the State of Georgia in Convention assembled do declare and ordain and it is hereby declared and ordained that the ordinance adopted by the State of Georgia in convention on the 2nd day of Jany. in the year of our Lord seventeen hundred and eighty-eight, whereby the constitution of the United States of America was assented to, ratified and adopted, and also all acts and parts of acts of the general assembly of this State, ratifying and adopting amendments to said constitution, are hereby repealed, rescinded and abrogated. We do further declare and ordain that the union now existing between the State of Georgia and other States under the name of the United States of America is hereby dissolved, and that the State of Georgia is in full possession and exercise of all those rights of sovereignty which belong and appertain to a free and independent State. Passed January 19, 1861. ![]()
The Republic of Georgia
A Nation Reborn The truth is that the Republic of Georgia is a nation, not a state, and has been since we won our independence. State governments are agents of the Crown of England. Men like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Hamilton, Madison and Jay were not heroes. They were traitors. Wittingly or unwittingly, their agenda was to centralize power in the hands of the few and privileged, themselves included. The truth of the matter is that the CONstitution for the united States of America was written in secret in violation of the Articles of Confederation by a group of FreeMasons and lawyers (both of these groups were agents of the Crown of England). The CONstitution for the united States of America was never ratified by the people themselves that lived during this time period. It was instead basically put into place and enforced by the agents of the Crown. The first constitutions of each of the original thirteen colonies and probably the first and even the subsequent constitutions of every state in the 'union' were not even ratified by the people themselves. Even if they had been, the people that lived during these times are all dead and gone now. The contracts that these people entered into have no bearing on the contracts that we enter into today. See The Spirit of Lysander Spooner It is with the federal constant propaganda machine and their control of the major media and the school system and churches that enables the federal government to continue their deceptive lies and cause the unsuspecting American people to do things that they would not otherwise do. The constant lies being told to our school children from kindergarten all the way through college and beyond about American history, the enforced pledge of allegiance to the U.S. flag, even in private Christian schools, the suppression of prayer in schools, the false teachings of the mechanics and establishment and proper powers of the U.S. government has become a false religion unto itself that feeds upon the innocence of children even not yet born. After the War Against the States (The Civil War), the Union Army occupied Georgia and the other Southern States (as well as the northern states) imposing martial law. The Republic of Georgia was simply taken over as a captured nation of war which continues to this day. RECLAIMING SOVEREIGNTY The government of Georgia has now lawfully been awakened within many people of Georgia, vesting lawful government back into the hands of the people of Georgia as a true Republic Nation. This process is not an act of seceding from the U.S., since history shows that citizens of the Republic of Georgia never voted to cede their land in the first place. Immediately following the Civil War, the nation of Georgia and the other Confederate States were placed under Military Law by the Reconstruction Act, which has never been legally repealed but never lawfully imposed in the first place. People from all walks of life in Georgia are working together to lawfully reclaim the soil of the Republic of Georgia from the United States which has held Georgia as a captive nation far too long. Like the Republic of Texas, there is no provision in the U.S. CONstitution that allows Congress to annex a foreign nation. Further, only the Senate, by a two-thirds majority vote, can pass an annexation treaty, and their annexation authority is limited to territories, and does not extend to annexation of nations. THE NEXT STEP The legal steps in Texas have been taken. It's time for the Republic of Georgia to do the same. The framework is now in place. We can now stand proudly upon principle because it is the correct and the lawful thing to do. It is time to declare your right to live as a free, sovereign man or woman, and to claim the freedoms of life in a true Republic. Unlike a democracy, where 51% of the people can vote to enslave the other 49%, in a Republic neither the people nor the government can vote away the rights of the citizens. These rights are granted by a higher authority than man. The Republic of Georgia is not now and will never become a member of the United Nations nor the United States, its puppet, nor any other government attempting to usher in a One World Government.
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