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Constitution 2000 for
The Republic of Georgia
Declaration of Intent
I. We hold that God's Law is the Supreme Law of the Land, above and beyond any mere constitution or act of man, and that from these Supreme Laws come our God-given Rights.II. We hold that crimes are against God and the victim, not against any form of government. We hold that victims should be compensated, in court where possible, or under court order, in accordance with the scriptures and judgment of a Common Law Jury. We hold that this compensation shall come from the party or parties found guilty as punishment for their crime. We hold that government shall not profit from acts of crime. All references to a Jury in this constitution refer to a Common Law Jury of twelve jurors selected randomly from the men and women citizens of the respective county in Georgia.
III. We hold that the people of Georgia are free to create a new government in accordance with the precedents set by the following authorities:
The Christian Holy Bible;Matthew 4:10
Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and EARTH, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.Matthew 22:37
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.Mark 12:29
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.Luke 4:8
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.Luke 10:21
In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and EARTH, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.Joshua 2:11
And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in EARTH beneath.Genesis 14:22
And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and EARTH,1 Chronicles 29:11
Thine, O LORD is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the EARTH is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all.Matthew 6:9-13
After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.Luke 11:2-4
And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.1 Kings 9:3
And the LORD said unto him, I have heard thy prayer and thy supplication, that thou hast made before me: I have hallowed this house, which thou hast built, to put my name there for ever; and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.
The Declaration of Independence in 1776;
The Rules and Regulations of the Colony of Georgia 1776 where it says: "the people, with whom all power originates, and for whose benefit all government is intended..."
The Constitution of Georgia; February 5, 1777 where it says: "... the people, from whom all power originates, and for whose benefit all government is intended..."
The Georgia Constitution of 1789 where it says: "Article VIII. All powers not delegated by the constitution, as amended, are retained by the people."
The Georgia Constitution of 1861 where it says:
1. The fundamental principles of Free Government cannot be too well understood, nor too often recurred to.2. God has ordained that men shall live under government; but as the forms and administration of civil government are in human, and therefore, fallible hands, they may be altered, or modified whenever the safety or happiness of the governed requires it. No government should be changed for light or transient causes; nor unless upon reasonable assurance that a better will be established.
3. Protection to person and property is the duty of Government; and a Government which knowingly and persistently denies, or withholds from the governed such protection, when within its power, releases from the obligation of obedience.
17. Legislative Acts in violation of the fundamental law are void; and the Judiciary shall so declare them.
27. The enumeration of rights herein contained shall not be construed to deny to the people any inherent rights which they have hitherto enjoyed."
IV. We hold that the foundation of this nation is that an individual's body, life, labor, ideas, thoughts, and material possessions that the individual has created or acquired without coercion are that individual's property and that no individual, majority, society, or government may legitimately take or control an individual's property without that individual's consent. We hold that the word 'individual' in this constitution means every man, woman, child, or fetus.V. We hold that the foundation of our economy shall be the free market system unfettered by intrusions of government and based upon the free and voluntary exchange of goods and services.
VI. We hold that peaceful relations with other nations is based upon the concept of mutual respect and that war and other interference in the affairs of other nations serves only to destroy such peaceful relations. It is therefore declared that Georgia shall remain neutral in the affairs of, and between, other nations.
We, the people of Georgia, in order to form a lasting government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, acknowledging and invoking the guidance of Almighty God, the Author of all good government, do ordain and establish this constitution for the Republic of Georgia:
Article 1. Declaration of God-given Rights
Section 1. In order that the general, great, and essential principles of God-given Rights associated with Life, Liberty, Property and a true Republic may be recognised and established we declare that this declaration of Rights is a part of this Constitution and of our Contract, and shall never be violated under any pretense whatsoever. In order to guard against the transgression of the powers we have delegated to government, we declare that every Right defined in this Declaration of Rights is reserved to the people. Rights not enumerated, including God-given Rights not yet expressed or conceived, exist to the extent that no Right as such may impose an obligation on any individual except to respect that Right in others. All such non-enumerated Rights are reserved to the people. All powers not specifically delegated to Government are reserved to the people. The specification of these Rights in a certain order is not intended to prioritize the Rights or to indicate a hierarchy of Rights, but is provided for convenience.Section 2. Each individual has the inherent God-given Right to life and of life from physical conception to natural death.
Section 3. Each individual has the inherent Right of liberty, which is the unrestrained exercise of free will and the freedom to act without prior permission, which shall never be infringed provided the exercise thereof does not violate the Rights of any other individual. Liberty consists of the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural Rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of the same Rights.
Section 4. Each individual's body, life, labor, ideas, thoughts, and possessions that the individual has Lawfully created or acquired are that individual's property. Each individual has the inherent Right of the ownership, non-coercive acquisition, and use of property. Since property is an inviolable and sacred Right, no one shall be deprived thereof except where public necessity shall clearly demand it, and then only on condition that the owner shall have consented and been compensated under contract entered freely, knowingly, and competently.
Section 5. Each individual has the inherent Right of defending the life, liberty, or property of any individual using whatever force is necessary, through whatever means available, including the use of deadly force.
Section 6. Each individual has the inherent Right of owning, using, and carrying arms of any description that are capable of killing less than 100 people at one time with one instantaneous initiation of that weapon. Any weapon more effective than that is not permitted to be in the possession of any individual under this constitution, including individuals operating in a governmental capacity, so that the life, liberty and property of all individuals within the territorial jurisdiction of this constitution and other jurisdictions may be realistically and effectively protected. Items capable of killing more than 100 people at one time with one instantaneous initiation of the item must not be designed for use as weaponry.
Section 7. Law must be the same for all, whether it protects or punishes. All individuals, when they form this social compact such as a constitution, have equal Rights, and are equally eligible to all dignities and to contract for any public positions or occupations, according to their abilities, and without distinction except that of their virtues and talents.
The social compact of marriage or any act which produces a human fetus, through sexual intercourse or otherwise, is recognized to be the Lawful union of a man and a woman into a family unit which becomes one Lawful entity. This Lawful union of a man and a woman into a family unit is a compact that is superior to any mere constitution for the foundation of this natural union is built firmly upon God's Law. As such there can only be one recognized head of this Lawful entity. Unless the woman is declared to be the head of the family unit on the marriage agreement confirmation paper, the man is recognized as the head of the family under the authority of the Common Law of the Creator.
The father gives birth to his child when the mother conceives. In the case of separation or divorce of various members of a natural family, the natural father is the prime physical custodian and guardian of the children unless there is a marriage agreement confirmation paper that declares the mother to be the head of this natural family, in which case the mother becomes the prime physical custodian and guardian of the children. Children born out of wedlock are naturally recognized to have their natural father to be their Lawful prime physical custodian and guardian and are recognized by Law to carry their natural father's last name signifying the child's jurisdiction to be under his or her father's umbrella unless and until such time as the father gives written and signed approval of his child's name change in the presence of two witnesses over the age of eighteen.
Lawful prime physical custodians and guardians of children shall honor the natural bonds, ties and relationships that a child should have with both parents and make all attempts to be reasonable and allow the other parent to have equal access and secondary physical custody of the child for one-half of the time of the child's life as a minor under the age of 18 years of age unless a Common Law Jury has ruled what the restrictions to access and physical custody of the child actually are upon a guilty verdict declared by the same Common Law Jury. A natural parent being denied equal access and physical custody of a child for one-half of the time of the child's life as a minor under the age of 18 years of age shall having standing to enforce their Rights to their child by trial by Common Law Jury.
Section 8. Any individual whatsoever, of any background, religious faith, creed, ethnic or national origin, gender, or age may enter into any Lawful contract provided they do so willingly, knowingly, and competently. When the competency of any party to a contract is questioned by any other party to the contract, or by the guardians, heirs, or assigns of the party in question, a Jury of twelve will decide competency based solely on whether, in the judgement of a simple majority of jurors, the party in question is competent to understand and faithfully execute the terms of the contract as written.
Section 9. All political power is inherent in God, the Father, Creator of the Universe, and all true Republics are founded on God's Authority, the Author of all true Law, and instituted for the people's benefit and exist by the will of God and the people to support the will of God; and although each individual has at all times the unalienable Right to alter, reform, or abolish his form of government in any manner they believe proper, at any time, the individual has no authority to attempt to change the true Laws of God, the Creator, hereby referred to as the Common Law of God found in the Christian Holy Scriptures. The standard reference for the Common Law of God for this Constitution shall be found in the King James Version with reference to 'The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible', Copyright 1984 by Thomas Nelson Publishers, ISBN 0-8407-5360-8, for indepth meaning and intent. The interpretation of the meaning and intent of the Common Law of God found in the Scriptures and the degree of application of the Law to the facts of each case is left up to local people at the county level through their powers on the people's Common Law Jury.
Section 10. All individuals have a natural and indefeasible Right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences; no individual shall be compelled to attend, erect, or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent; no human authority ought, in any case whatever, to control or interfere with the Rights of conscience in matters of religion; no preference shall ever be given by Law to any religious or philosophical societies or mode of worship, however it is the proper role of government to prevent infiltration by those who are of foreign loyalties due to the fact that they have taken extra-judicial oaths and would they would destroy proper and Lawful government by being subservient and bound to those extra-judicial oaths; it shall be the duty of the Government to protect every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of their own mode of public worship, if any; nothing in this Right and its associated obligations is intended to limit the Right to proselytize, teach one's own faith, or express intolerance of evil.
Section 11. The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the Rights of man. Every individual may, accordingly, speak, write, print and communicate by other media with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall actually cause harm, as determined by a Jury, and only to the extent of the harm actually caused. The government shall never curtail or license or limit or regulate or in any manner infringe the liberty of speech or of the press, nor of any form of communication by any medium whatsoever.
Section 12. In all suits whatsoever, where the value in controversy shall exceed one troy ounce of silver, the Right of trial by Jury shall be preserved.
Section 13. No fact tried by a Jury shall be otherwise reexamined in any court except to appeal a conviction.
Section 14. No individual shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by this constitution. As all individuals are held to be innocent of all accusations until they shall have been declared guilty by a Common Law Jury of twelve, if arrest shall be deemed indispensable, all harshness not essential to the securing of the prisoner's person shall be severely repressed. No individual shall be held for indictment by a people's grand Jury to answer for any criminal charge without a confirmation of an accusation by an accuser. No individual shall be held for trial without first being held for and receiving an indictment by a people's grand Jury. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the Republic of Georgia, or any place subject to its jurisdiction.
Section 15. In all cases where an accused shall be tried by Jury, the Jury shall have the Right to determine the Law, the facts and the penalty in every particular whatsoever as they pertain to the accused by applying the following applications of Law in the following order:
First: There must be a victim who has been caused hardship or damage. Crimes that are solely against God, are left for God to deal with.
Second: The Supreme Law of the Land known as the Common Law of God is to be found in the Christian Holy Scriptures and applied to the facts of the case, tempered by the wisdom and observations of the Jury, and
Third: This Constitution, being the supreme Law in Georgia under the Supreme Law of the Land known as the Common Law of God, must be adhered to, and
Fourth: The terms, conditions and responsibilities of any Lawful contract, properly agreed to by the parties, must be applied.
Fifth: All other forms of law that are foreign to the Common Law of God, such as maritime, admiralty, statutory, commercial, or equity and others not named herein, are hereby abolished.
Section 16. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused must be afforded a speedy public trial, by an impartial Jury of twelve of his peers in the county wherein the crime shall have been committed, unless the accused consent to another county; the accused shall have the Right to demand the nature and cause of the accusation; the accused shall not be compelled to give evidence against himself; the accused shall have the Right of being heard by himself or counsel, or both; shall be confronted with the witnesses against him who may not testify anonymously, and shall have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; shall have access to evidence relating to the accusation and adequate time to prepare a defense; any individual may serve as counsel for any accused individual according to the choice of the accused and the consent of the individual chosen as counsel. Government may not impose qualifications or license requirements on counsel nor otherwise limit the Right to counsel.
Section 17. All prisoners shall be bailable by sufficient sureties, unless for accusation of criminal acts resulting in the death of any individual, when the proof is evident or the presumption great; this provision shall not be so construed as to prohibit bail after the indictment is found to be returnable on a writ of habeas corpus, as provided in the Constitution below; excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel or unusual punishment unknown to the Common Law of God inflicted; all Government courts shall be open, and every person, for an injury done him in his lands, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due process of Law; no person, for the same offense, shall be twice put in jeopardy of life, limb, liberty, or property, nor shall a person be again put upon trial for the same offense after a verdict of not guilty; and the Right of trial by Jury shall remain inviolate. No individual shall be deprived of life, liberty, property, or privileges, outlawed, exiled, or in any manner disfranchised by government, except by due course of Law.
Section 18. The sure and certain defense of a free people is a well regulated defense force; and it shall be the duty of the government to organize the people that volunteer their services into the organized defense force. Treason against this Republic shall consist only in levying war against it, or adhering to enemy belligerents, or giving them aid and support. No soldier shall be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, expressed in written contract for which consideration is paid by the government. The security of the Rights of Georgians requires public military forces. These forces are, therefore, established for the good of all and not for the personal advantage of those to whom they shall be intrusted.
Section 19. No title of nobility, hereditary privileges or honors, shall ever be granted or conferred by government.
Section 20. Each individual has a Right to decide, personally, as to the necessity of any consideration paid; to pay consideration freely upon entering into any contract or upon agreeing to its annual renewal. Citizens of the Republic of Georgia have a Right to know to what uses all monies paid to government are put.
Section 21. Each individual has the Right of privacy, to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and possessions from all unreasonable seizures or searches; and no warrant to search any place, or to seize any person or thing, shall issue, without describing them in particular as near as may be, nor without probable cause supported by confirmation in writing;
Section 22. The writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended;
No bill of attainder, ex post facto Law, retroactive Law, or any Law impairing the obligation of Lawful contracts shall be made.
Section 23. No person shall ever be imprisoned for debt, taxes, alimony, or 'child support' as child support has become known today as the giving of money to one's ex-mate.
Section 24. The military shall at all times be subordinate to the civil authority.
Section 25. Inheritance taxes, perpetuities and monopolies are contrary to the genius of a true Republic, and shall never be established by Government. When an individual dies without a will or trust giving instructions for the inheritance of his property, a Common Law Jury of twelve will decide the outcome with the Common Law of primogeniture found in the Christian Holy Scriptures as their guide. The Jury shall rule according to the Common Law of primogeniture but may deviate for good cause or reason. The Jury must disclose their good causes and reasons in open court for distributing the property the way they have decided. This provision shall not in any way limit the establishment of perpetuities, monopolies, primogeniture, or entailments by private contract among individuals.
Section 26. All individuals have the Right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together for their common good, and to apply to those invested with the power of government for redress of grievances, or other purposes, by petition, address, or remonstrance.
Section 27. No power of suspending the Constitution by action of the Government exists.
Section 28. All Rights are retained by each individual and shall never be denied, infringed, or violated in any way except, in the circumstances of conviction of a crime, a tort, or a breach of contract, by due process of Law as defined in this constitution, and then only as directed in the particular case.
Section 29. This constitution can only prohibit such actions that are strictly internal to it. No one may be forced to do anything other than stand trial when accused of a crime or tort by a grand Jury unless provided for by contract, freely, knowingly, and competently entered, for which consideration has been paid.
Article 2. Powers Denied to Government
Section 1. Government has no inherent rights or powers, neither implicit nor explicit. This constitution assigns certain functions to the artificial entities called governments created by this constitution and authorizes those artificial entities to take certain actions necessary to accomplish the assigned functions. No national or county government entity or official shall assume any function or authorization not specifically assigned or authorized by this constitution.
Section 2. Government shall never infringe the rights of individuals nor modify any governmental processes, duties, responsibilities, or form of government as specified in this constitution.
Section 3. Government shall never operate outside the limits of a budget which shall never exceed ninety percent of the revenue collected the previous year.
Yr.\Georgia Budget Revenue 1999 0 2000 0 86,000 2001 77,400 120,000 2002 108,000 94,000 2003 84,600 5,700,000 2004 5,130,000 TOTAL 5,400,000 6,000,000 The example given shows that the total accumulated budgets will always equal 90% of total accumulated revenue. This means that the government will always have an average of a 10% surplus, will always be in the black and never in the red. Any monies not spent as budgeted must be counted as revenue for the following year.
Section 4. Government shall never grant monopolies or perpetuities nor in any way restrict or control the free flow of trade within or across the geographical boundaries of Georgia.
Section 5. Government shall never restrict individuals from assembling to train with arms for the individual or collective defense of life, liberty, or property.
Section 6. Government shall never restrict nor control the manufacture, sale, purchase, ownership, use, storage, transportation, or carrying of any arms, parts, accessories, or ammunition.
Section 7. Government shall never issue charters, licenses, certificates of competency, nor any form of recognition or registration for any organization or individual.
Section 8. Government shall never of its own accord, without a Jury verdict pertaining to the instant case, promote, control, nor interfere with any religious or philosophical organization or activity, except in the interiors of government buildings not designated for such use.
Section 9. Government shall never of its own accord, without a Jury verdict pertaining to the instant case, restrict nor control the free flow of ideas using any present or future form or medium of expression.
Section 10. Government shall never invade the privacy of any individual without probable cause, a proper and duly authorized warrant, and other protections of due process of Law unless the officer is in hot pursuit or the officer is a witness to an actual Common Law crime committed in his presence.
Section 11. Government shall never operate, own, control, nor fund any means of education not specifically related to performing the functions of government authorized by this constitution.
Section 12. Government shall never infringe the right of the free movement of individuals within or across the geographical boundaries of Georgia without probable cause, a proper and duly authorized warrant, and other protections of due process of Law unless the officer is in hot pursuit or the officer is a witness to an actual Common Law crime committed in his presence.
Section 13. Government shall never pledge the assets of individuals or non-governmental organizations nor borrow money unless loaned voluntarily by a willing creditor to the government at zero interest.
Section 14. Government shall never offer nor provide gifts, subsidies, or assistance of any kind to any individual, group of individuals, organization, or nation other than that provided for in this constitution.
Section 15. Government shall never accept gifts, subsidies, or assistance of any kind from any foreign government, organization, or nation other than that provided for in this constitution.
Section 16. Government shall never issue currency nor cause currency to be issued. This does not prevent government from paying in currency.
Section 17. No organization established, controlled, employed, or enabled by government shall violate any part of this constitution.
Section 18. Government shall never own title to any real property which is not specifically authorized by this constitution.
Section 19. Government shall never of its own accord, without a Jury verdict pertaining to the instant case, restrict individuals from freely associating or assembling, except in the interiors of government buildings not designated for such use.
Section 20. Government shall never extend payment, credit, gifts, subsidies, endowments, retirement benefits, nor anything else of value or worth to any individual beyond the time of actual service to the government in whatever capacity.
Section 21. Government shall never impose taxation of any kind.
Section 22. Government shall never regulate the use of publicly owned rights of way.
Section 23. Government shall never impose emergency powers nor suspend any part of this constitution, neither in time of war nor for any other reason.
Article 3. The Law
Section 1. A crime is any action taken by an individual wherein the individual intentionally initiates physical force, fraud, or theft which results in damage to another individual or damage or loss of another individual's life, liberty, or property without the consent of that individual; or an action taken by a government official in violation of this constitution.
Section 2. A tort is defined herein as 'a private or civil wrong or injury arising out of a civil duty independent of contract.' The elements of a tort claim are: (1) a duty owed by the defendant to the plaintiff; (2) a breach of that duty; (3) injury to the plaintiff; and (4) whether the defendant's conduct was the proximate cause of that injury. To recover in tort all the elements of a tort claim must be proved. There must be proof of both liability and damages. Liability depends on duty, breach and proximate cause.
Section 3. Remedies for breach of contract may be for damages or for specific performance or both.
Section 4. No body of Law other than the Law defined in this constitution has any force or effect on anyone on or under the soil of Georgia, on or in the waters of Georgia, or in the airspace of Georgia unless all parties to an action have previously knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally agreed to that body of Law by contract.
Section 5. The obligations of contracts shall not be impaired provided only that all parties to the contract entered the contract knowingly, willingly, and voluntarily.
Section 6. Except in the case of a crime in progress, no individual shall be detained, imprisoned, nor held against his or her will in any manner, unless a Lawfully executed warrant supported by confirmation of an accusation by an accuser specifying the charges has been issued in accordance with this constitution. Any detained individual will be informed of the reason for detention in writing within six hours of being detained.
Article 4. County Government
Part 1. County Courts
Section 1. Any individual accused of a crime or tort shall be:
a. presumed innocent until proven guilty;
b. given the opportunity of facing the accusers in court;
c. granted a trial by a Jury of twelve other individuals randomly selected from a jury pool who meet the following qualifications: are over the age of 18, are a citizen of the Republic of Georgia, are not employees or officials of any government agency, are not lawyers or attornies, have not taken any extra-judicial oath;
d. informed of the exact nature of the charges;
e. given adequate notice for preparing a defense;
f. given access to all evidence collected; and
g. given the opportunity, if convicted, of appealing to at least three other county courts in the same or adjacent Georgia counties.
Section 2. No individual shall be forced to testify. Litigants may appear in person or may be represented by counsel of their choosing.
Section 3. Each county shall create and maintain at least one county court. Counties may create and maintain additional county courts as necessary.
Section 4. County courts have original jurisdiction for all cases involving the violation of rights of any individual and for extradition requests. Complaints must be filed in a county court within the county where the alleged offense occurred or where the subject of the extradition request is currently located. The Law to be administered by the courts shall be as defined in this constitution. County courts have no jurisdiction over contract disputes except those involving bad faith breach of contract. All other contract disputes shall be resolved as stated in the contract.
Section 5. Grand Juries
a. Each county shall have at least one grand Jury, consisting of twenty-three Georgia citizens living in the county.
b. Jurors shall be chosen at random with compensation and terms of service determined by the County Administrative Council.
c. Prior to seating, each juror shall be required to make the following confirmation:
"I, (insert full and correct name), will carefully consider all information, testimony, and evidence to be presented in this grand Jury hearing and will endeavor to the best of my ability to determine if a crime as defined in the constitution has been committed and if it is probable that the accused is responsible for committing the crime."
If the juror refuses to make the confirmation, the juror shall be released from service without compensation and another juror shall be selected.
d. If any juror becomes unable to complete service on the grand Jury, a replacement juror shall be chosen.
e. Upon complaint of an alleged crime and presentation of sufficient cause, the grand Jury shall direct the sheriff to conduct an investigation of the alleged crime.
f. A grand Jury indictment shall be issued only when an investigation shows sufficient cause, as determined by the grand Jury, at which time any individual may file charges against the accused.
g. Each grand Jury shall elect a foreman from among its members. The county clerk or appointed deputy shall record grand Jury proceedings, which shall be closed to all except witnesses called by the grand Jury.
h. The grand Jury shall hold a hearing on each complaint no later than thirty days following the filing of the complaint.
i. The grand Jury may issue warrants for search or seizure provided that:
(1) the warrant specifically names the place to be searched and specifically describes the person or thing to be seized; and
(2) the grand Jury has in its possession at the time a confirmation by an accuser that named specific evidence of a crime is located at the place to be searched or that the person to be seized is accused of a crime. Any property seized must be evidence of the crime described in the warrant.
j. All decisions of the grand Jury shall be by simple majority vote, the foreman voting only in the case of a tie vote.
Section 6. County Court Juries
a. All county court proceedings shall be open to the public.
b. A Jury pool of no fewer than thirty pre-qualified Georgia citizens living in the county where the court is located shall be chosen at random. Compensation and terms of service for jurors and Jury pool members shall be determined by the county administrative council provided that jurors serve for a minimum of one case.
c. A Jury of twelve individuals shall be impaneled by lot from the available Jury pool. The justice shall direct the bailiff to draw names for Jury selection. A total of fourteen names shall be drawn for a panel of twelve jurors and two alternates.
d. A juror may be removed from a Jury by a unanimous vote of the other jurors only if the juror fails to appear at the appointed times and places or is known to be a close family member of the accused or the accuser, or there is probable cause to believe that the juror may have been an accomplice with the accused. In the event that a juror is so removed, an alternate juror shall be impaneled.
e. Prior to the seating of each juror, the juror shall be required to make the following confirmation.
"I, (insert full and correct name), will carefully consider all information, testimony, and evidence to be presented in this trial and will endeavor to the best of my ability to determine if a crime as defined in the Republic of Georgia constitution has been committed and if, beyond all reasonable doubt, the accused committed the crime. If compensation is requested, I will endeavor to the best of my ability to determine if the damages were caused by the accused and if the compensation requested by the accuser is reasonable and just."
If the juror refuses to make the confirmation, the juror shall be released from service without compensation and a replacement juror shall be selected.
f. The impaneled Jury shall select a foreman from its members.
g. Prior to the trial, the justice shall inform the Jury of general court decorum and the general sequence of case presentations, rebuttals, witness questioning, and summations. The justice shall inform the Jury concerning the chain of evidence and what he believes is customarily expected for that evidence to be considered. The justice shall inform the Jury that they are not bound by anyone's opinions. The justice shall not render any legal opinions nor rule on the admissibility of any evidence or testimony.
h. The justice shall preside over and keep order in all proceedings of the court. Jury members may, by simple majority vote, overrule any decision of the justice regarding ejection of individuals from the court.
i. The Jury shall hear all testimony and view all evidence presented, may question witnesses concerning their testimony, and may request additional information from any source the Jury deems appropriate.
j. The Jury shall first determine if the alleged actions violated the Law and then the facts of the case. After all evidence has been heard, the Jury may deliberate its final decision privately until a verdict is reached. They shall render their decision, verdict, or order concerning all aspects of the case as they deem just and proper. Convictions, tort verdicts and bad faith breach of contract verdicts shall be by unanimous Jury vote only; otherwise, the accused shall be acquitted.
k. Penalty for the accused, if found guilty of a crime, shall be determined by the Jury by simple majority vote, the foreman not voting except in the case of a tie vote, except that the death penalty may be imposed only by a unanimous vote of the Jury and for a crime which resulted in the death of another individual or individuals.
l. In any case, the Jury may by simple majority vote award monetary compensation against the accuser, paid to the accused, if the charges are found to be frivolous or malicious.
Section 7. County Court Appeals
a. Any individual found guilty in a county court may appeal that decision.
b. Appeals must be filed in a county court in the same or adjacent Georgia counties within thirty days of the previous Jury decision. No individual may be a juror on more than one trial of the accused for the same offense. If any of the courts of appeal find for the accused, no other action may be taken by any court for the same offense.
c. The first appeal shall be a Jury review of the procedures to determine that all constitutional guarantees were observed. The first appeal Jury can only confirm the original verdict, reduce the severity of the sentence, or, if they determine that some violation of rights or due process occurred, return the case to a different court for retrial under the same rules as the original trial.
d. If an appeals court finds against the accused, a second or third appeal may be made by the accused to county courts in the same or adjacent Georgia counties. The entire case shall be presented to juries using the same procedures as the original trial except that all decisions of the appeals juries shall be by simple majority vote, the foreman voting only in the case of tie votes. The decision of the third appeal is final.
Section 8. No juror shall be tried for any decision rendered while serving on a Jury.
Section 9. Writ of Habeas Corpus
a. Any individual may petition any justice of any county court with a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of any individual whose liberty is restrained or denied.
b. The request for writ shall be addressed by name or title to the individual holding the individual in question, and shall describe the individual being held by any means that will allow the individual to be identified.
c. The request must show cause and sufficient evidence to warrant action on the writ and must be supported by confirmation of the content.
d. The request for a writ of habeas corpus shall never be disregarded and shall be acted upon by the individual holding the individual in question with all haste and never later than eight hours after the request is presented.
e. Any official who refuses to act on a Lawfully executed request for writ, who delays action on a Lawfully issued writ, or who is found to have aided or abetted another in such delay or refusal shall be held accountable under the Law. Any justice who is approached with evidence of such delay or refusal shall immediately issue a warrant for the arrest of the official in question.
Part 2. County Administrative Council
Section 1. Each county shall consist of no less than two geographic precincts. New counties may be formed in any new territory added to Georgia.
Section 2. The County Administrative Council shall consist of the following offices to be elected by the qualified voters in each county: a sheriff; a treasurer; a county recorder; a commissioner for each precinct; and at least one justice and one clerk of court for each precinct.
a. The sheriff shall maintain and operate county penal facilities where called for by two-thirds vote of qualified voters of the county, provide bailiffs for the courts in that county, enforce orders of the courts, and uphold the Law as defined by this constitution.
b. The county treasurer shall maintain accurate and timely records of revenue collections and expenditures, and shall disburse funds to support constitutionally authorized county government functions.
c. The county recorder shall conduct an at-random lottery of citizens every six months to serve as county grand jurors, verify each grand juror's service based on the grand Jury roll call records, provide accurate records of grand Jury proceedings, maintain accurate records of all County Administrative Council proceedings, maintain accurate records of qualified voters casting ballots, conduct elections, maintain all records at county expense at such places as to safeguard said records, make records of every County Administrative Council proceeding publicly available after filing in an easily searchable form which shall be open for public inspection, and ensure that records are filed within thirty days of completion of each County Administrative Council proceeding.
d. The precinct commissioner shall represent the people of the precinct from which elected.
e. The precinct justice shall preside over and keep order in all proceedings of the county court in accordance with this constitution and shall issue or cause to be issued processes and communications necessary for proper operation of the court.
f. The county clerk of court shall conduct an at-random lottery of citizens to serve as county court jurors, record and maintain all files pertaining to each case as a court of record, maintain said files at court expense at such places as to safeguard said records, make records of every county court proceeding publicly available after filing in an easily searchable form which shall be open for public inspection, ensure that records are filed within thirty days of completion of each county court proceeding, place the seal of the court on all documents where a seal is necessary, and witness the authenticity of the documents.
Section 3. The County Administrative Council shall administer the following functions:
a. With the approval of two-thirds of all qualified voters casting ballots in an election, establish, operate, and maintain water and sewer systems to be paid for through user fees by those who voluntarily choose to use the services.
b. Organize and maintain voluntary county defense forces. The County Administrative Council shall call the county defense forces into action only for the defense of the county or nation against armed aggression. The County Administrative Council may coordinate the actions of county defense forces with national defense forces, the defense forces of other counties, and private defense force but shall remain in full control of their own county defense forces. At no time shall private defense force be considered to be under the command or control of the County Administrative Council or the county defense forces.
c. Establish rules of and maintain and publish all records of official proceedings.
d. Operate and maintain facilities for county government use.
e. Appoint one citizen to represent the county in the Congress, who shall have lived in that county for at least two years prior to the appointment, be at least thirty years of age at the time of the appointment, serve a term of four years, serve no more than one time in this capacity, and be subject to recall on the vote of at least one-third of the County Administrative Council.
f. Conduct elections as authorized by this constitution.
g. Maintain existing publicly owned rights of way which do not exceed the boundaries of the county.
h. Maintain county court systems.
i. Determine the appropriate location of county courts and the number of justices and clerks necessary to secure due process of Law for all individuals.
j. With the approval of two-thirds of all qualified voters casting ballots in an election, fund the operation and maintenance of penal facilities.
k. Establish procedures for the collection of revenues as authorized by this constitution.
l. Approve or deny annual budgets submitted by all county officers.
Section 4. Operating Procedures
a. The County Administrative Council may recommend financial compensation for grand jurors, county court jurors, and elected officers for a period of no more than two years. Compensation may only be implemented upon approval of two-thirds of all qualified voters casting ballots in an election. The election ballot must specify names of officers, offices they hold, the recommended compensation for each officer, and the rate of compensation for jurors.
b. The County Administrative Council shall prepare an annual budget based on a twelve-month calendar year. The amount of expenditures for any budget year shall not exceed ninety percent of the revenue collected for the previous budget year. An auditor shall be appointed, through an annual competitive sealed bidding process, to prepare and present to the County Administrative Council a comprehensive financial audit of all county revenues and expenditures no less than once every twelve months.
c. The County Administrative Council may create additional precincts or alter the boundaries of precincts upon approval of two-thirds of all qualified voters.
d. Three-fourths of the officers of the County Administrative Council shall constitute a quorum to do business. Except for the recall of the county's Congress Council appointee, all decisions of the council shall be by two-thirds vote of those present for approval.
e. The County Administrative Council shall meet at least monthly, on a date and time convenient and at a location easily accessible to all citizens. All meetings shall be open to the public at all times.
f. The County Administrative Council shall elect a chair and vice-chair from among their number once every twelve months. The chair shall ensure that an agenda is posted in widely accessible public places not less than 72 hours prior to every meeting unless there is an emergency and the meeting must be held as quickly as possible.
g. The County Administrative Council shall determine and approve the appropriate number of deputies to assist elected officials.
h. The County Administrative Council may authorize the staffing of offices.
Article 5. National Government
Part 1. National Courts
Section 1. The judicial duties of the national court shall be vested in one supreme court and in one district court per district. The national courts shall only hear cases concerning international treaty disagreements, public officials, military or maritime issues, internal government disputes, or disputes between county governments. The trial of public officials in a national level court shall not prevent their trial in a Georgia county court for the same offense.
Section 2. Justices shall serve four-year terms, with compensation to be determined by the Congress. Compensation for justices shall not be changed during the term in which they were elected.
Section 3. Georgia shall be divided into convenient judicial districts, not less than thirteen nor more than thirty, concurrent with existing county lines, to be reapportioned based on the votes cast in the last general election, but not more often than every ten years. A justice shall be elected by ballot of the qualified voters of each district. Each district justice shall reside in the district and hold court at the designated district seat which shall be determined by the Congress.
Section 4. One clerk shall be elected for each district court, to be elected at the same time and serve the same term as the district justice. The district clerk's duties and compensation shall be determined by the Congress.
Section 5. District Court Trials
a. Litigants in district courts may elect to have the justice hear and decide the case or they may exercise their right of a Jury trial. The right of a Jury trial by either party takes precedence over the option to waive that right by the other.
b. Jury trials shall be conducted by the same rules of proceedings as the Georgia county courts.
c. The district courts shall contract with private or county penal facilities to satisfy judgments of incarceration.
Section 6. The supreme court shall consist of a chief justice and twelve associate justices with district justices serving in rotation as associate justices of the supreme court. Three-fourths of the associate justices and the chief justice shall constitute a quorum to proceed. The district justices shall rotate their positions on the supreme court every session. All members voting on each case shall place their handwritten signature on the decision with their vote as yes to uphold or no to overturn the case.
Section 7. The chief justice of the supreme court shall be appointed by a two-thirds vote of the district justices. The chief justice shall have no other official duties, shall hold office for four years, not to exceed his elected term of office, shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms, and shall vote only in the case of a tie vote among the associate justices.
Section 8. The supreme court shall have exclusive appellate jurisdiction for district court cases only. Decisions of the supreme court shall be conclusive within the limits of Georgia. The supreme court shall hold its sessions quarterly, at such times and places as may be fixed by the Congress by a simple majority vote. All cases shall be decided by no less than a two-thirds majority of the voting members of the supreme court. No associate justices shall sit on a case heard by them in any district court.
Section 9. Complete records of every court proceeding shall be made publicly available immediately after filing in an easily searchable form on the internet and shall be open for public inspection. Records shall be filed within 30 days of completion of each court proceeding.
Section 10. National courts are authorized to establish procedures, rules, and regulations only for the administration and implementation of their duties. All court proceedings shall be open to the public at all times.
Section 11. National government courts shall maintain and operate facilities to perform duties specified by this constitution and shall prepare annual budgets which shall be presented to the Congress for approval or rejection.
Part 2. National Executive Council
Section 1. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer shall comprise the National Executive Council.
Section 2. The office of president shall be limited to the following functions:
a. Conduct treaty negotiations and ambassadorial functions with foreign governments. Treaties shall never be permitted to affect any individual within the geographical boundaries of Georgia.
b. Submit proposed treaties to the Congress for approval or rejection.
c. The president shall organize and maintain voluntary national defense forces with advice and concurrence of the Congress. The president shall call the national defense forces into action only in defense of the nation against armed aggression by a foreign power. The president shall coordinate the actions of the national defense forces with county defense forces and private defense force. At no time shall county defense forces or private defense force be considered to be under the command or control of the president or the national defense forces.
d. Declare war only upon armed invasion or blockade by a foreign power.
Section 3. The office of vice president shall be limited to the following functions:
a. Serve as president in the absence of the president.
b. Maintain and publish official records of all National Executive Council proceedings.
c. Operate and maintain physical facilities for official functions of the National Executive Council.
Section 4. The office of treasurer shall be limited to the following functions:
a. Receive and disburse funds to support constitutionally authorized national government functions.
b. Maintain accurate and timely records of national revenue collections, expenditures, and disbursements.
c. Serve as president in the absence of the president and the vice-president.
Section 5. The National Executive Council shall prepare and submit an annual budget to the Congress for approval or rejection.
Section 6. Financial compensation for executive officers shall be determined by the Congress. Such compensation shall not be changed during a single term of office.
Section 7. National Executive Council officers must be Georgia citizens and be at least thirty years of age.
Section 8. National Executive Council officers shall be elected by qualified voters in a national election to a term of six years, and shall be ineligible to hold any national government office for six years following their term of office.
Section 9. The National Executive Council is authorized to establish procedures, rules, and regulations only for the administration and implementation of their official functions.
Section 10. Georgia Rangers
a. The National Executive Council shall organize and maintain a corps of officers called the Georgia Rangers. The corps shall consist of no more than 159 individuals.
b. Georgia Rangers shall be nominated by the president, confirmed by the Congress, and commissioned by the president.
c. Georgia Rangers shall provide physical security for the president, vice-president, and treasurer.
d. Georgia Rangers shall maintain investigative services for use only as requested by grand juries.
Part 3. Congress
Section 1. Each County Administrative Council shall appoint one representative to the Congress. Representatives shall serve a four-year term and may be recalled by the County Administrative Council at any time. Financial compensation shall be determined by and paid by the County Administrative Council which appointed the representative.
Section 2. Three-fourths of the entire Congress shall form a quorum. All acts or decisions must have two-thirds approval of the entire body to be effective.
Section 3. Congress shall make no law. The Congress may only establish procedures, rules, and regulations solely for the administration and implementation of the functions listed in this section. The Congress shall:
a. Establish appropriate regulations for the control of government agents or agencies in the maintenance of those existing publicly owned rights of way which extend beyond the boundaries of any one county. This authority for maintenance is strictly limited to those publicly owned rights of way existing at the time of ratification of this constitution. There shall be no authority to regulate the use of publicly owned rights of way.
b. Approve or reject treaties as proposed by the president.
c. Establish uniform standards for maintaining public records.
d. Issue foreign travel documents on request of any Georgia citizen and maintain records of same.
e. Confirm or deny appointments by National Executive Council officers.
f. Establish uniform standards for all elections.
g. Establish rules of and publish all records of Congress proceedings.
h. Operate and maintain facilities for Congress use.
i. Terminate or extend presidential declarations of war within fifteen days and within thirty days of every extention thereafter.
Section 4. The Congress shall meet in session no more than fifteen days in any calendar month. In extraordinary circumstances, the Congress may be called into session by the approval of no less than two-thirds of the County Administrative Councils.
Section 5. The Congress shall approve or deny annual budgets submitted by the National Executive Council and the national courts.
Section 6. The Congress shall prepare and provide a copy of the annual budget for the national government to each County Administrative Council.
Section 7. The Congress may authorize the National Executive Council to purchase real property in foreign nations for embassy use only, with the title to be held in the name of the nation 'Republic of Georgia, North America'.
Section 8. Foreign governments may each own no more than seven acres of real property within Georgia, to be used only for embassies, and only with the express permission of the Congress.
Part 4. Nullification
Any national act or decision may be declared null and void by independent action of a simple majority of all County Administrative Councils.
Article 6. Elections
Section 1. Qualified voters in Georgia elections shall be Georgia citizens who have attained the age of eighteen years or older.
Section 2. Elections for officers of the national and county governments shall be held every two years.
Section 3. The county recorder shall conduct elections according to standards established by the Congress.
Article 7. Funding of Government
Section 1. County Administrative Councils may raise funds by any method that is advertised as, and is in fact, strictly voluntary for all parties.
Section 2. County Administrative Councils shall retain ninety percent of revenue for funding county government functions.
Section 3. County Administrative Councils shall disburse ten percent of revenue to the National Treasurer for funding national government functions.
Article 8. General Provisions
Section 1. National and county governments are authorized to retain title to publicly owned rights of way which exist at the time of ratification of this constitution.
Section 2. The national government is authorized to retain title to those lands and buildings constituting the Capitol grounds in Atlanta, Georgia at the time of the ratification of this constitution.
Section 3. County governments are authorized to retain title to the lands and buildings constituting the county courthouse grounds at the time of the ratification of this constitution.
Section 4. Title to other lands and buildings may be held by county governments upon the approval of two-thirds of the voters of that county provided that the total of all such real property does not exceed one-percent of the total land area of the county.
Section 5. A Republic of Georgia citizen is an individual who voluntarily declares citizenship provided that:
a. the individual was born on the soil of Georgia; or
b. at least one of the individual's parents was born on the soil of Georgia; or
c. the individual has lived in Georgia for not less than six consecutive months.
Section 6. The boundaries of Georgia, as deduced from the Constitution of Georgia, Georgia code section 50-2-1 (10/15/99), the Convention of Beaufort, the Articles of Cession and Agreement with the United States of America entered into on April 24, 1802, the Resolution of the General Assembly dated December 8, 1826, and the adjudications and compromises affecting Alabama and Florida, are as follows:
From the sea, or the mouth of the River Savannah, along the stream thereof to the fork or confluence made by the Rivers Keowee and Tugalo, and thence along said River Tugalo until the fork or confluence made by said Tugalo and the River Chattooga, and up and along the same to the point where it touches the northern boundary line of South Carolina, and the southern boundary line of North Carolina, which is at a point on the thirty-fifth parallel of north latitude, reserving all the islands in said Rivers Savannah, Tugalo, and Chattooga, to Georgia; thence on said line west, to a point where it merges into and becomes the northern boundary line of Alabama -- it being the point fixed by the survey of the State of Georgia, and known as Nickajack; thence in a direct line to the great bend of the Chattahoochee River, called Miller's Bend -- it being the line run and marked by said survey; and thence along and down the western bank of said Chattahoochee River, along the line or limit of high-water mark, to its junction with Flint River; thence along a certain line of survey made by Gustavus J. Orr, a surveyor on the part of Georgia, and W. Whitner, a surveyor on the part of Florida, beginning at a fore-and-aft tree about four chains below the present junction; thence along this line east, to a point designated 37 links north of Ellicott's Mound on the St. Marys River; thence along the middle of said river to the Atlantic Ocean, and extending therein three geographical miles from ordinary low water along those portions of the coast and coastal islands in direct contact with the open sea or three geographical miles from the line marking the seaward limit of inland waters; thence running in a northerly direction and following the direction of the Atlantic Coast to a point opposite the mouth, or inlet, of said Savannah River; and from thence to the mouth or inlet of said Savannah River, to the place of beginning; including all the lands, waters, islands, and jurisdictional rights within said limits; and also all the islands within 20 marine leagues of the seacoast.
There shall not be more than 159 counties in this Republic. The names, metes and bounds of the several counties and the county sites shall remain as prescribed by Georgia statute on June 30, 1983, unless changed under the operation of a general law.
Section 7. New territory may be annexed to existing Georgia boundaries by treaty when approved by three-fourths of all members of the Congress.
Section 8. The National Executive Council, with approval of the National Assembly, is authorized to purchase or retain title to real property for use as military installations provided that the total of all such real property does not exceed one-half of one percent of the total land area of Georgia.
Section 9. Each officer elected or appointed or any agent of government shall be a Georgia citizen, shall hold no citizenship in or allegiance to any other nation, and shall make the following confirmation of office:
"I (full name), being fully aware of the consequences of exceeding the authority of my office and being a Georgia citizen holding allegiance to no other nation, do solemnly confirm that I will adhere to the Georgia constitution in its entirety, and will perform the functions of the office of (name of office) to the best of my abilities."
Any officer or agent of government who does not sign and file the confirmation for public record with the county recorder within ten calendar days following the administering of the confirmation shall be denied the appointment or election.
Section 10. Out of respect for the great Republic of Texas, leading the way out of federal tyranny, Georgia's government shall also pay its obligations using alamos, defined as one-quarter Troy ounce of 0.999 pure silver; bluebonnets, defined as one-quarter Troy ounce of 0.999 pure gold; in addition to Georgia pennies, defined by one-hundredth Troy ounce of 0.999 pure silver; freedoms, defined by one-tenth Troy ounce of 0.999 pure silver; liberties, also known as Georgia dollars, defined as one Troy ounce of 0.999 pure silver; and independents, defined as one Troy ounce of 0.999 pure gold; or drafts on accounts or warehouse receipts containing sufficient amounts of such to cover the total amounts of all outstanding drafts.
Section 11. Words used in this constitution are defined in Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, based on the Second Edition of The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, the Unabridged Edition, copyright 1993, 1987; copyright 1996 by Random House Value Publishing, Inc.; published 1996 by Barnes & Noble Books, ISBN 0-7607-0288-8.
Article 9. Ratification Conventions for Establishment Between Counties
Section 1. The Georgia Constitutional Convention secretary shall prepare a formal notification of the completion of the new constitution to the State of Georgia Secretary of State. Upon approval by the convention, the notification and the adopted constitution shall be signed by all delegates present. The notification and a copy of the adopted constitution shall be delivered personally by officers of the Georgia Constitutional Convention.
Section 2. The constitutional convention shall appoint twelve Georgians to the Georgia Constitution Ratification Committee (GCRC) which shall be responsible for ensuring the Lawful and peaceful ratification of this constitution.
Section 3. Georgia Constitution Ratification Committee
a. Members of the GCRC shall:
(1) have lived no less than six consecutive months on the soil of Georgia;
(2) have attained the age of twenty-one years or older preceding the adoption of this constitution by the convention; and
(3) have demonstrated ability to perform the duties of the office to the satisfaction of the delegates to this convention.
b. Members of the GCRC shall serve at the discretion of the Georgia Constitutional Convention.
c. The GCRC shall establish procedures for conducting county ratification conventions for the purpose of ratifying the constitution between counties, appoint county ratification convention coordinators, and ensure Lawful notification of the date, time, and place of county ratification conventions.
d. Individuals who have lived on the soil of Georgia for no less than six consecutive months and have attained the age of 18 years of age or older preceding the date of the county ratification convention shall be authorized to participate in the convention of the county in which they live.
Section 4. The ratification of this constitution by the ratification conventions of 112 of the 159 Georgia counties shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the counties so ratifying the same.
Section 5. Upon ratification of this constitution, Article 10, Transition, shall be implemented immediately and shall continue through its fulfillment.
Section 6. This constitution shall supersede any and all other constitutions, treaties, statutes, and any other form of rules, and shall be the supreme Law of Georgia in effort to establish through the Jury that there is no higher Law in Georgia other than the Common Law of God which is the Supreme Law of the Land.
Article 10. Transition
This article is intended to facilitate a Lawful, peaceful, and orderly process for transition to the ratified Georgia Constitution 2000. The day that the constitution is ratified between the counties shall be known as Georgia Freedom Day.
Section 1 - Immediate Action
Subsection 1. State of Georgia and county officials shall be provided the opportunity to complete confirmations of office consistent with this constitution within thirty days of the ratification. Upon receipt of confirmations of office, the Georgia Constitution Ratification Committee (GCRC) shall confirm those officers as qualified to perform their duties in accordance with this constitution. Those officers who choose not to complete the confirmations shall vacate their offices no later than thirty days from the date of the ratification of this constitution.
Subsection 2. State of Georgia government agents may continue administration of their duties which are not in conflict with Article 1 of this constitution for a period not to exceed 24 months after Georgia Freedom Day.
Subsection 3. Upon ratification of this constitution, all taxes paid to foreign governments shall cease to be mandatory for all individuals in Georgia.
a. All State of Georgia, county, and local taxes shall remain in full effect until after the first election.
b. All funds normally accruing to the State of Georgia from whatever source shall remain in Georgia under the fiduciary responsibility of the treasurer of the Coalition Transition Government.
c. All the Coalition Transition Government funds shall be transferred to and become the fiduciary responsibility of the national treasurer after the first election.
Subsection 4. Existing Law Enforcement Agencies
a. Within thirty days of ratification of this constitution all city Law enforcement departments shall be transferred to the sheriff's departments in their respective counties. All United States and other foreign Law enforcement agencies will no longer have jurisdiction in Georgia. The sheriffs shall notify the commander or person in charge of each Law enforcement agency operating on the soil of Georgia within their county that United States and Georgia transportation codes are null and void within Georgia. Sheriffs shall vigorously defend the right to travel for all individuals and shall take immediate action against any individual, whether representing the State of Georgia or the United States, who interferes with or attempts to enforce any of the various "traffic laws" under the United States or State of Georgia transportation codes.
b. State of Georgia Law enforcement agencies' personnel and their equipment shall be transferred to the sheriff in the county in which they are presently based. The sheriff shall determine what personnel and equipment will be kept and any excess equipment may be either sold to another county or sold at public auction.
c. The sheriffs shall notify the commander or person in charge of each law enforcement agency operating on the soil of Georgia within their county of the new constitutional restrictions imposed including, but not limited to, clear instructions that any State of Georgia or United States statutory laws which conflict with this constitution shall no longer be enforced.
d. All county sheriffs' departments shall remain intact but are subject to later reorganization by the elected or appointed heads of these organizations.
Section 2 - The Coalition Transition Government
Subsection 1. The Georgia Constitution Ratification Committee shall appoint twelve State of Georgia elected officers who have completed confirmations of office in accordance with this constitution to form with the GCRC a Coalition Transition Government (CTG).
Subsection 2. The CTG shall ensure the Lawful and peaceful implementation of this transition plan.
Subsection 3. CTG officers shall be compensated at the same rate as the Governor of the State of Georgia.
Subsection 4. The CTG shall elect from among its members a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer with the following duties:
a. The president shall call and moderate meetings of the CTG and represent the government in communications with other nations. He shall also, upon election, immediately notify nations of the world of the Lawful ratification of this constitution; seek peaceful relations with all nations; emphasize the neutrality of Georgia in foreign relations matters; and declare the sovereignty of Georgia as a neutral nation determined to co-exist peacefully with its neighbors and to defend itself only when attacked by outside forces.
b. The vice-president shall assume duties of the president in the absence of the president.
c. The secretary shall maintain accurate records of all meetings.
d. The treasurer shall accept and disburse funds in accordance with the constitution and maintain accurate records of all transactions.
e. Officers of the CTG may be assisted in their duties by former State of Georgia agents who have completed confirmations of office in accordance with this constitution.
Subsection 5. CTG meetings shall:
a. be open and accessible to the public at all times;
b. require a quorum of a simple majority of all members;
c. require two-thirds approval of those present for any positive decisions or acts;
d. never allow proxies; and
e. be announced in writing to all CTG members not less than seventy-two hours in advance.
Subsection 6. The CTG shall take possession of all revenue and all assets of the State of Georgia and shall honor existing Lawful financial obligations of the State of Georgia.
Subsection 7. The CTG shall order an election for the purpose of electing national and county officers. The election shall be conducted no later than one-hundred-twenty (120) days after Georgia Freedom Day. Upon election, each elected officer shall, within the next ten calendar days, make the prescribed confirmation of office as administered, and immediately assume the duties of office for which he or she was elected. CTG officers shall not be eligible for election in the first election.
Subsection 8. Officials elected in the first election shall serve terms as stated in this constitution except:
a. The first National Executive Council vice-president shall serve a two-year term; and
b. The first National Executive Council treasurer shall serve a four-year term.
Subsection 9. The CTG shall honor existing financial compensation for Georgia government agents confirming adherence to this constitution, which shall continue until such time as national and county governments approve new budgets and personnel, but not later than twenty-four months after Georgia Freedom Day.
Subsection 10. CTG members who miss two consecutive meetings may be removed by a majority vote of the remaining members.
Subsection 11. Confirmations of Office
a. Nationally elected officers shall be administered their confirmations of office by members of the CTG.
b. County elected officers shall be administered their confirmations of office by the County Ratification Convention Coordinator.
Subsection 12. The Coalition Transition Government shall cease and terminate immediately upon the administration of confirmations of office to newly elected national executive officers.
Section 3 - Transition County Governments
Subsection 1. County officers qualified to serve under this constitution shall meet at the earliest convenient date, no later than thirty days after Georgia Freedom Day, to establish the County Administrative Council (CAC). They may appoint citizens to fill vacated offices to serve until the election confirms new officers.
Subsection 2. The CAC shall take possession of all revenues and assets of the county and of any government subdivision in that county. The CAC may authorize these subdivision government agents to continue administration of their duties, which are not in conflict with this constitution, for a period not to exceed twenty-four months after Georgia Freedom Day.
Section 4 - Action Following First Election
Subsection 1. The Congress and County Administrative Councils shall conduct a complete and thorough inventory of all government assets including, but not limited to, all government owned real property. The inventory shall be completed within one calendar year after the initial formation of the National Assembly or the County Administrative Council.
Subsection 2. The Congress and County Administrative Councils shall enter into contract with private auditing firms through a competitive bidding process to audit all government property and funds.
Subsection 3. The National Executive Council shall:
a. immediately upon assuming office enter into negotiations with other nations and states to ensure Georgia neutrality and establishment of Lawful and peaceful relations; and
b. negotiate with foreign nations the transfer of title to property on the soil of Georgia held by those foreign nations to the nation of Georgia.
Subsection 4. All fiduciary accounts and revenues held by the Coalition Transition Government shall be transferred to the national treasurer immediately upon administration of the confirmation of office, who shall compile a detailed accounting to the Congress.
Subsection 5. All State of Georgia government functions and offices shall cease and shall be terminated upon the administering of the confirmations of office for the newly elected officers of Georgia under this constitution.
Subsection 6. The Congress and the County Administrative Councils shall honor all existing Lawful indebtedness of the State of Georgia and other government subdivisions.
Section 5 - Transfer of Government Real Property
Subsection 1. The Congress shall develop an orderly process for disposing of national and county government-owned real property not specifically authorized by this constitution to be retained by government. The transfer of title shall be through sealed bids.
Subsection 2. Individuals qualified to hold and redeem real property purchase vouchers (hereafter referred to as "Purchase Vouchers") shall:
a. be a Georgia citizen as defined by this constitution;
b. have lived on the soil of Georgia not less than two years prior to Georgia Freedom Day;
c. confirm adherence to this constitution; and
d. confirm the following statement:
"I, (insert full name), do hereby declare that I have read and understand the consequences of violating the rights of any other individual as specified by this constitution. I also declare that I have not and shall not submit any other claim for Purchase Vouchers in this or any other county."
Subsection 3. The county recorder shall:
a. accept citizen confirmations for Purchase Vouchers until the end of the one-hundred-twentieth (120th) day following the first national and county election;
b. maintain accurate records of citizen confirmations and supporting documents for Purchase Vouchers;
c. submit the names of citizens qualified to hold Purchase Vouchers to the national treasurer within sixty days following the one-hundred-twentieth (120th) day after the first election; and
d. distribute the Purchase Vouchers to qualified citizens upon delivery from the national treasurer.
Subsection 4. The national treasurer shall, within sixty days following receipt of county recorder reports of qualified citizens, cause delivery of appropriately completed Purchase Vouchers to the county recorders. County Recorders shall provide to each qualified citizen one-thousand (1,000) units of Purchase Vouchers.
Subsection 5. Sealed bid auctions shall commence no later than twelve months after the first national and county election, and be completed not more than sixty months after the ratification of this constitution.
Subsection 6. Anyone who qualifies in accordance with Section 2 may submit bids to purchase government real property listed for sale. County recorders shall issue allodial title with any required deed restrictions to purchasers upon verification of the highest bid for any parcel of property located within that county. Bids may be submitted consisting of Purchase Vouchers or cash but Purchase Vouchers and cash shall not be combined in the same bid. Winning bids shall be selected as follows:
a. The highest bid consisting of Purchase Vouchers shall be declared the winner.
b. If there are no bids consisting of Purchase Vouchers, the highest bid consisting of cash shall be declared the winner.
c. In the case of tie bids, the bid that was earliest received by the bid administrator shall be declared the winner.
d. Cash bids shall be evaluated in gold equivalents.
Section 6. Transition Actions
The Coalition Transition Government and the new government of Georgia, both national and county levels, shall address each of the following items in their transition actions, ensuring that the minimum requirements specified herein are met.
Subsection 1. Parks and Historical Sites
a. Any public property currently used as a park or historical site may be awarded to a self-declared Georgia-based public-service organization. This property may be awarded for no fee provided that the owner or manager of the organization submits a confirmation that the organization has agreed to maintain the park or historical site and use it as a park or historical site at cost for a period of twenty-five years.
b. Any park or historical site for which no organization meeting the requirements of Section 1 is willing to accept responsibility shall be auctioned the same as any other property.
Subsection 2. Education Facilities
a. Any public property currently used as an education facility may be awarded to a voluntary organization of individuals interested in providing education services to Georgians provided that at least fifty percent of the members of the organization were, within five years prior to Georgia Freedom Day, themselves students or had children who were students of the education facility being awarded or were teachers in that facility. This property may be awarded for no fee provided that the owner or manager of the organization submits an confirmation that the organization has agreed to maintain the education facilities and use them as education facilities to provide education services to Georgians at cost for at least ten years.
b. Any education facility for which no organization meeting the requirements of paragraph a is willing to accept responsibility shall be auctioned the same as any other property.
Subsection 3. Counties
Transfer of county-owned public property, operation of the county Coalition Transition Government, and the date of complete transfer to the rules of Georgia shall be as negotiated with the State of Georgia or with existing county governments but shall in no case be later than twenty-four months after Georgia Freedom Day.
Subsection 4. Corporations, Banks, and Other Business Organizations
a. All State of Georgia corporation charters shall become null and void on the date that the Coalition Transition Government is terminated. Prior to that date, State of Georgia corporations which wish to continue to do business in Georgia must convert to either a sole proprietorship or an organization defined entirely by contract.
b. The charters of any State of Georgia chartered banks shall become null and void on the date that the Coalition Transition Government is terminated. Prior to that date, State of Georgia chartered banks which wish to continue to do business in Georgia must convert to either a sole proprietorship or an organization defined entirely by contract.
c. Business organizations operating on the soil of Georgia after the date that the Coalition Transition Government is terminated will no longer be able to depend upon State of Georgia or United States statutory law to partially define their business organization. Therefore, all business organizations except sole proprietorships shall reorganize to a sole proprietorship or an organization based entirely on contract.
d. Corporations chartered by foreign governments may continue to operate on the soil of Georgia but they will no longer have any special privileges. Such corporations shall be treated the same as a corporation based entirely on contract.
Section 5. Electromagnetic Wave Frequency Spectrum (Radio Waves)
a. The electromagnetic wave frequency spectrum is a natural resource and should be treated as such under the concept of "Natural Property". On Georgia Freedom Day, each current user of any part of the electromagnetic wave frequency spectrum shall become the owner of that use of that part of the spectrum.
b. Anyone may use any part of the electromagnetic wave frequency spectrum, and thus become an owner of that use of the spectrum, as long as the new use does not interfere with pre-existing uses.
Subsection 6. Fire Protection Services
a. Existing fire protection organizations may reorganize as private businesses.
b. Any public property currently used in providing fire protection services may be awarded to an existing fire protection organization that has reorganized as a private business to provide fire protection services. This property may be awarded for no fee provided that the owner or manager of the organization submits a confirmation that the organization has agreed to maintain the property and use it to provide fire protection services at cost for at least ten years.
Subsection 7. Emergency Medical Services
a. Existing emergency medical services organizations may reorganize as private businesses.
b. Any public property currently used in providing emergency medical services may be awarded to an existing emergency medical services organization that has reorganized as a private business to provide emergency medical services. This property may be awarded for no fee provided that the owner or manager of the organization submits a confirmation that the organization has agreed to maintain the property and use it to provide emergency medical services at cost for at least ten years.
Subsection 8. Military Forces
a. The national government shall immediately enter into negotiations with any foreign government with military forces stationed on the soil of Georgia to evacuate those forces as soon as possible.
b. For the length of the transition period, or until such time as the county defense forces are constitutionally formed, the Coalition Transition Government shall request local private defense forces to accept any and all duties concerning county and national defense.
c. The title to any real property or equipment left on the soil of Georgia after the evacuation of foreign military forces is complete shall accrue to the national government of Georgia.
d. Control of State of Georgia military resources, such as the Georgia National Guard weapons, facilities, and personnel, shall transfer to the national government of Georgia on a date to be negotiated by the Coalition Transition Government but in no case later than twenty-four months after Georgia Freedom Day.
e. The National Executive Council of the national government of Georgia shall begin integrating all existing defense forces, defense force, and Georgia National Guard resources into an overall defense strategy and transition plan beginning on the day that the new national government of Georgia is formed. This integration shall continue until all military resources to remain in Georgia are integrated.
Subsection 9. Incarcerated Individuals
a. Each County Administrative Council shall appoint twelve Georgia citizens of the county to serve on a prisoner review commission which shall have the following duties.
1) The commission shall establish an orderly process for review of all charges against prisoners in any jail, prison, or any other incarceration or detention facility in that county.
2) If a prisoner's conviction and sentence is found to be a violation of this constitution, the prisoner shall be released immediately upon order by the commission. Otherwise, the prisoner shall remain incarcerated and shall serve the remainder of the original sentence.
b. Members of the prisoner review commission, while serving on the commission, shall be compensated at the same rate of pay as members of the County Administrative Council. The commission shall continue until all records of prisoners within the county have been reviewed, but for no longer than twenty-four months after the commission has been appointed.
Subsection 10. Incarceration Facilities
The County Administrative Council shall hold title to any publicly owned jails, prisons, or any other incarceration or detention facilities located in that county. The County Administrative Council shall direct that such facilities be consolidated as much as possible without overcrowding while leaving some room for future expansion of the prison population. Any facilities emptied by this consolidation shall be decommissioned and considered excess public property to be auctioned or declared "unowned".
Subsection 11. Court Cases
a. Any criminal court case in which a judgment has been made prior to Georgia Freedom Day shall be considered a valid judgment subject to the incarcerated prisoner review.
b. Any civil court case in which a judgment has been made prior to Georgia Freedom Day shall be considered a valid judgment.
c. Any court case in which a trial has been initiated but in which a judgment has not been made prior to Georgia Freedom Day may be terminated and entered into a Georgia County Court at the discretion of the accused in the trial. The fact that the court case was initiated shall be considered to have satisfied the grand Jury indictment requirement of this constitution.
d. Any court case in which a trial has not been initiated prior to Georgia Freedom Day shall be entered into a Georgia county court. If a grand Jury has indicted the accused prior to Georgia Freedom Day, this shall be considered to have satisfied the grand Jury indictment requirement of this constitution. Valid grand Jury indictments on and after Georgia Freedom Day shall come only from Georgia grand juries in accordance with due process as defined in this constitution.
Subsection 12. Existing bonds.
a. Any bonds existing prior to Georgia Freedom Day issued by the State of Georgia or any political subdivision of the State of Georgia shall become the liability of the new national government.
b. The bonds shall be retired as soon as possible using not more than ten percent per year of the national government's revenue.
Subsection 13. Handicapped Individuals
The Congress shall establish and implement an orderly transfer of existing obligations for care of mentally or physically handicapped individuals to the free market. This transfer shall be completed no later than twenty-four months after the first Congress is convened. No new admissions to government support shall be accepted after Georgia Freedom Day.
Article 11. Ratification Contracts for Establishment Between Mankind
These are the major elements of this document:
- Declaration of Intent,
- Preamble,
- Ratification,
- Article 1. Declaration of Rights,
- Article 2. Powers Denied to Government,
- Article 3. The Law,
- Article 4. County Government,
- Article 5. National Government,
- Article 6. Elections,
- Article 7. Funding of Government,
- Article 8. General Provisions,
- Article 9. Ratification Conventions for Establishment Between Counties,
- Article 10. Transition,
- Article 11. Ratification Contracts for Establishment Between Mankind.
We, the undersigned, hold that the Declaration of Rights of Georgians is a concise, if incomplete, statement of the rights held by each man, woman and child, both born and unborn, at all times, and in all places. We, the undersigned, hold that the Constitution of the Republic of Georgia is ratified voluntarily by the undersigned of their own authority, and is witnessed by two witnesses.
Any man, woman and child living in Georgia for 6 months or longer is qualified to sign the Constitution of the Republic of Georgia, indicating their consent to its provisions and principles, reserving at all times the rights indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of Georgians.
We, the undersigned, being of sound mind and body, hold that the Contract for establishment of this constitution between ourselves is entered into by each of us, willingly and voluntarily, without coercion; competently and without limitation due to any mental or physical deficit on our part; knowingly, and with complete understanding of all the terms indicated. Moreover, each of us has caused consideration to be paid to the Government of the Republic of Georgia as described herein, to validate the contract and set it in force for each one of us. This contract takes effect at the moment it is sealed by the Secretary of the Treasury of the Republic of Georgia. Once this contract takes effect, foreign powers cannot Lawfully violate the provisions of this constitution on Sovereign Georgia soil against those who have Lawfully ratified this constitution. Once a simple majority of the people of a Georgia county have ratified this constitution, the State of Georgia or any other foreign power cannot violate the provisions of this constitution on Sovereign Georgia soil against anyone who Lawfully resides within said county.
Any man, woman and child presently living in Georgia for 6 consecutive months or longer is qualified to sign the Constitution of the Republic of Georgia, indicating their consent to its provisions and principles, reserving at all times the Rights indicated in the Declaration of the Rights of Georgians.
Signed:________________________________________ dated: ___________
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